What are the special features or focus of school

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133553933


There is a link that talks about a elementary school. Answer the questions:

  • What would be the estimated number of students in total at school and classroom?
  • What are the estimated percentage of children on free and reduced lunch?
  • Are there any absence rate (most likely from the nurse) (THIS QUESTION IS OPTIONAL)
  • Are there any homeless or highly mobile students
  • What are the special features or focus of school (E.g., Title 1, charter school, magnet school, stem, arts, technology, etc.).
  • How are relationships between the school and home cultivated; how are students' identities validated within the school?
  • In what ways are parents involved at the school?

Reference no: EM133553933

Questions Cloud

Key idea from a theorist that you identified from humanistic : Analyze Mrs. C's symptoms, including cultural considerations, from the perspective of a key idea from a theorist that you identified from the humanistic.
Why so many parents of children on the spectrum : Briefly describe the theoretical foundation of your study. The proposed problem statement is why so many parents of children on the spectrum.
How patients or clients change as a result of psychotherapy : For your course project, describe what you believe are the causal mechanisms of how patients or clients change as a result of psychotherapy.
Impact of child-rearing styles on childrens development : Describe the impact of child-rearing styles on children's development, explain why authoritative parenting is effective.
What are the special features or focus of school : What are the special features or focus of school (E.g., Title 1, charter school, magnet school, stem, arts, technology, etc.).
Identify examples of ingroup bias-out group bias : After watching the Sneeches, identify examples of ingroup bias, out group bias, self regard, the need for status, and stereotype threat.
How has your view of death changed as you grew up : How has your view of death changed as you grew up? What do you believe caused this change in perspective?
Explain comprehensive clinical assessment : Explain conection between comprehensive clinical assessment and psychotherapeutic context.
What does piagets theory tell us about stage of development : What does Piaget's theory tell us about this stage of development? What does Erikson's theory tell us about this stage of development?


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