What are the sources of this value creation

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131786226

General Electric, Berkshire Hathaway and Richard Branson's Virgin Group each comprise a wide range of different businesses that appear to have few close technical or customer linkages.

Are these examples of unrelated diversification and do the corporate and ownership links within each of the groups result in the creation of any value?

If so, what are the sources of this value creation?

Reference no: EM131786226

Questions Cloud

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Probability that defective component will not be identified : Quality control Each computer component that the Peggos Company produces is tested twice before it is shipped. There is a 0.7 probability that a defective.
What amounts pepperoni pizza should report in its statement : Determine what amounts Pepperoni Pizza should report in its statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2014, for the following items.
What are the sources of this value creation : Are these examples of unrelated diversification and do the corporate and ownership links within each of the groups result in the creation of any value?
Discuss what are the effects of each method on cost : Identify the differences between F.I.F.O., L.I.F.O., and the average-cost method of inventory valuation and what are the effects of each method on cost
How effective are most multibusiness companies : How effective are most multibusiness companies in achieving these advantages?
Describe the assumptions you hold about your intelligence : MGT1000 - Organisational Behaviour and Management - Describe the assumptions you hold about your ‘intelligence' and how they may or may not have changed over
Compute net cash provided by operating activities : Chicken Parmesan reported net income of $50,000 in 2016. Depreciation expense was $17,000. Compute net cash provided by operating activities.


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