What are the sources of error in performance appraisal

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131074758

Each ten questions require a 250 word minimum count. Word, 12 pt Times Roman APA Format

The reference below shoudl be use and PLUS A SCHOLARLY COURCE is needed cited also per question.

Please keep them numbered as shown. There 5 questions then 4 more beginning with 1 again. Please show inthe correct order.

Reference: Nigro, L. & Kellough, J. (2014) The New Public Personnel Administration, 7th Edition, Cengage Learning.

Please use the reference above plus a scholarly source for each question.

Performance Appraisal

1. Describe the three major types of criteria used in performance assessment and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

2. What are the sources of error in performance appraisal?

Employee Motivation and Merit Pay

3. What is the purpose of merit pay and what theories of motivation can we draw upon to support the concept of merit pay?

4. What are the major problems associated with the implementation of merit pay?

Unions and Collective Bargaining

5. Describe the major developments in the rise of collective bargaining in the public sector and the reasons that collective bargaining in government is different from its counterpart in the private sector. How do those differences manifest themselves?

Statutary Constraints on Public Managers

1. Describe six of the most important federal laws that have impact on public personnel administration practice?What are the sources of error in performance appraisal?

Constitutional Constraints on Public Managers

2. Briefly describe how the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution impact the practice of public personnel administration.

3. Under what circumstances is a property interest in a job established for a public employee?

Public Personnel Management and the Future

4. In terms of attracting and retaining needed human resources, what are the most important benefits public employers should offer?

Reference no: EM131074758

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