Reference no: EM132001501
When finished, answer the questions listed below
1. State the hypothesis for this experiment.
2. On the basis of this test, is your charm lucky?
3. What are the sources of error for this experiment?
4. If your charm came out "lucky" what other evidence would be required to prove your object had an effect on the roll of the dice, in other words, what could you do to make these experimental results more valid (even if it was shown to have no effect)?
5. If your data (or someone else's) was significant, does this "prove" that their charm is lucky? Why or why not.
6. What three errors in logic result in people thinking objects are "lucky"?
7. Belief in lucky charms is related to superstitions and superstitious behavior. In other words, if you believe in one superstition, you frequently believe in others.