Reference no: EM131783111
1. What is self-regulation and why would marketers chose to participate in self-regulation.
2. According to the FTC, what is the basis for determining unfairness and deception? If the FTC determines an advertisement to be deceptive, what actions can be taken by the FTC?
3. What does the Food and Drug Administration have jurisdiction over?
4. What are the two important considerations marketers must take in developing contests and sweepstakes?
5. How has the Do Not Call Registry affected marketing?
6. What is the children's online privacy act and how does this affect marketers?
7. Differentiate between laws and ethics. Can an act be legal but unethical?
8. What are the social and ethical criticisms of advertising?
9. What types of ads do consumers find most offensive?
10. What types of stereotypes is advertising accused of creating?
What are the daily tasks that case managers are expected
: How would you divide up your caseload-by housing unit, offense type, length of time left in sentence, treatment needs, etc.?
Compare your chosen competitor with exchange
: Compare your chosen competitor with Exchange. Is it better or is it worst? What are some of the benefits or drawbacks?
Define presentation of ideas as common category
: Define “presentation of ideas” as a common category of persuasive messages.
Discuss the purpose and goals of the program you
: Write a 550 word paper in APA style which explores the following questions: Research a boot camp, detention center or ranch/camp.
What are the social and ethical criticisms of advertising
: How has the Do Not Call Registry affected marketing? What are the social and ethical criticisms of advertising?
Database management systems
: Make sure you discuss the three types of database programs listed in your text. Visit and learn about Microsoft Access.
Discuss about the freedom of speech on the internet
: discuss one of the following topics in relation to the concepts covered in this course:The act of flag burning , Protesting etc.
Configuration of network mapping
: Describe how improper configuration of network mapping and monitoring tools can introduce risk to enterprise information assets including the use of supporting.
: Choose 2 different business issues such as work teams, decision-making, conflict, power, communication etc.