What are the skills related to it auditing

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13783462

Write 300 or more words to answer all the questions below in paragraph form in apa format with 3 references. Answer all parts below in one paper 300 or more words


1. What are the skills related to IT Auditing? List and describe 3 areas

2. What are examples of Auditor's Standards of Practice? Which organizations have issued standards or guidance to the auditor?

3. Why are the "Equity Funding" and "Enron" events so important to computer auditing?

4. What are the differences in "auditing through the computer" versus the more traditional book and records audit?

Reference no: EM13783462

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Write a Review

Auditing Questions & Answers

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State whether Event is adjusting or non-adjusting event.

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To identify principal audit risk and corresponding audit procedures

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  Prepare a memo on the state of the company''s industry

Prepare a memo on the 'state of the company's industry' and associated risk factors.

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