What are the security risks in database migration

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132263371

Question: Project is a 12-minute presentation to be presented at the residency. You must select a topic from the list provided in this weeks folder. Each presentation must be unique. The final project must include 20 slides, a one page single-spaced abstract, and a reference list. The proposal is a one-page single space plan for your project and a separate five source annotated reference list. The annotations include two paragraphs for each source. One paragraph is a summary of the source and the second paragraph is your reflection (what you thought about it as a source). The proposal is due at the end of this week - not the full presentation. Accordingly, I have prepared a list of possible topics (so I've attached a list of 40 possible topics. I've created a discussion that is due March 24 for the proposal in Week F.

1. Database security compliance with anti-money laundering statutes

2. Risks of overly privileged users

3. Auditing v. monitoring

4. Maintaining data integrity with hash functions

5. Security risks in database migration

6. Quantitative risk assessment methodologies

7. Qualitative risk assessment methodologies

8. Reducing costs with tiered storage

9. Physical protection for your database

10. IOT threats to database security

11. TDE

12. Tokenization

13. Global data Integrity violation examples

14. Efficient disaster recovery

15. How to effect litigation holds

16. Data as evidence: what is the chain of custody?

17. Data as evidence: The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

18. GDPR Compliance

19. HIPAA Compliance

20. SOX Compliance

21. Database STIGs

22. ISO Database Security Framework

23. NIST Database Security Framework

24. Patch management and the medical device

25. Strict Liability v. Ordinary Negligence for the DBA

26. How Oracle 12c advances the security discussion

27. How Stuxnet exposed the exceptional importance of data integrity

28. Are Data integrity violations worse than confidentiality breaches?

29. How the tsunami of data expansion increases security concerns

30. Mobile users and data security

31. Why is vulnerability assessment critical for data security?

32. Legitimate privilege abuse and how to prevent it

33. Monitoring your most highly privileged users - what the regulations say.

34. Creating a database security culture

35. Vulnerable storage media?

36. Patching - To automate or not?

37. What do you have - inventorying your legacy data.

38. The human factor - how to keep your DBA up-to-date

39. Monitoring database use patterns to detect anomalies

40. Quantitative v. Qualitative security risk assessment

Reference no: EM132263371

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