What are the security risks associated with this contract

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133447208 , Length: Words Count:500


You are the General Manager of a large (100+ rooms) hotel in a large, urban city in Toronto. As a result of the COVID-19 global pandemic, hotel revenues are down by 80%. To fulfill both foreign and health policy mandates, various levels of government have approached the hotel industry to house two sets of guests temporarily. Firstly, hotel space is needed to quarantine homeless individuals who have contracted COVID-19. Secondly, hotel space is needed to shelter refugees who have recently arrived in the country after escaping a devastating war back in their homeland. The presence of the refugees is very controversial in the community as many citizens are opposed to them being in the country. Government officials tell you it is important that both sets of guests should be distant from each other (e.g., not housed on the same floor), and strict COVID-19 social distance and mask-wearing rules must be followed at all times. In addition, you still have a small fraction of regular business customers who are continuing to be hotel guests.

The government has agreed to pay 200% above the room rack rate to allow you to invest in any security measures the hotel may need to fulfill the contract. What are the security risks associated with this contract? What security measures will you put in place, and how will they assist in managing the risks? Use theories, research studies, videos, and content from the course to explain your answer. (Limit your answer to maximum 500 words).

Reference no: EM133447208

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