What are the risks with raising money from such individuals

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131229505


Read the case "Tactus Tackles Fund-Raising" at the end of Chapter 8.

Answer the following questions and/or statements in detail:

1. Craig Ciesla and Micah Yairi eventually turned to friends and family for funding. Should they have done that first? What are the risks with raising money from such individuals? Explain in detail using sources and research. Use credible sources to support and explain.

2. What are the risks and benefits of waiting until they had been granted patents to ask for customer feedback? Explain in detail using sources and research. Use credible sources to support and explain.

3. The partners gave up equity in their company - part of the ownership -- to get help they needed. Was this a good idea? Why or why not? Explain in detail using sources and research. Use credible sources to support and explain.

4. Why do you think Ciesla and Yairi stuck it out, even with such bad luck? What would it take for you to be so persistent? Explain in detail using sources and research. Use credible sources to support and explain.

Make sure you format your papers in proper APA 6th. Be sure to properly cite your sources inside your text using APA 6th citations rules as well as proper APA referencing guidelines in your "References" (bibliography) section at the end of your papers.

Your written weekly assignment paper should be at least 1,000 words in length.

Reference no: EM131229505

Questions Cloud

Benefits and consequences to the worker : What are the benefits and consequences to the worker who participates in an organized strike - especially if it lasts several weeks or months?
What are the company current strategy types : In light of your analysis above, what are the company's current strategy types (i.e. type of business level, corporate level, cooperative and international strategy the company is pursuing)? What is your evidence for your assessment? Do they fit..
Challenge of designing a pay-for-performance for teachers : 1. Consider the elements of designing an important pay-for-performance plan and relate them to the challenge of designing a pay-for-performance for teachers. And, describe how you would develop a pay-for-Performance plan and its basic structure.
Level and manner of consumption : Identify other means by which the sustainable business can affect the level and manner of consumption. Place this in an ethical context and describe the pros and cons.
What are the risks with raising money from such individuals : Craig Ciesla and Micah Yairi eventually turned to friends and family for funding. Should they have done that first? What are the risks with raising money from such individuals?
Experience with measurements in organization : Discuss your experience with measurements in your organization or business? Do you find some to be more or less useful than others? Do you know what the measurements are really used for? Do you wonder if any are actually useless?
Display the complete set of unique values : Use the smallest possible array to solve this problem. Display the complete set of unique values input after the user enters each new value.
Explain how you would use swot and bsc together : Briefly compare SWOT and BSC and the unique value of each to strategic management. Explain how you would use SWOT and BSC together. Explain how one tool complements the other.
Technology factors contributed to the problems : What management, organization, and technology factors contributed to the problems described in the Vodafone: A Giant Global ERP Implementation case study?


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