What are the risks of using the media in social campaigns

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Reference no: EM131548725

Question: Essay Question: Engagement with politics and governments is rapidly changing as we move further into the digital age. Campaigns such as Kony 2012 create notions of global citizenship by seeking to use people power to enact change. However, academics are noticing increased disengagement of the public from the political process as more and more social movements achieve media success without enacting change. Using a recent political or social movement of your own choice, examine if the campaign attempts to encourages active engagement in the political or legal process or whether it is seeking to influence the public. (2000 words)

In answering the question, you may wish to consider some of the main issues and concepts explored in the course, such as:

• Was the campaign a success? Why?

• What are the risks of using the media in social or political campaigns and are they evident in your example?

• Issues of bias and propaganda in your example

• active engagement vs clicktivism

• informed citizens vs. influenced or misled citizens

• the role of lobby groups/political commentators/social media influencers in the campaign

• the role of advertising and media in the campaign

Most Important Follow this task description

TASK DESCRIPTION: Using a minimum of three sources from the required readings and three academic sources from your own research, answer the questions below

LEARNING OUTCOMES: a. Analyse the concept of citizenship and the social institutions that shape civic participation

b. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the practices of currently existing social institutions in Australia

e. Reflect on own practice

f. Communicate clearly

Sources: 1 . Cheregi, Bianca-Florentina 2015 'THE MEDIA CONSTRUCTION OF ANTI-IMMIGRATION POSITIONS: THE DISCOURSE ON THE ROMANIAN IMMIGRANTS IN THE BRITISH PRESS' Revista Romana de Sociologie, Vol.26(3/4), pp.279-298

2 . Smith, G. 2009 'Revitalising Politics Through Democratic Innovation?' Innovation 45(3) pp.259-264

3. Mcknight, David ; Hobbs, Mitchell (2013) ‘Public Contest through the Popular Media: The Mining Industry's Advertising War against the Australian Labor Government' Australian Journal of Political Science, Vol.48(3), p.307-319

Reference no: EM131548725

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