What are the risks involved for companies using this tool

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Reference no: EM133191276

BUS8590 The Business of Social Media - Conestoga College

Social Media professionals are expected to be up to date on technology and be competent in terms of assessing its use and relevance for engaging customers.

They must be aware of new technologies and provide leadership and advice on how they can be best used to effectively grow the business. As a result, employees who work in marketing departments are often consulted by management in order to demonstrate the appropriate use of new technologies and specifically asked to provide advice on how they can be used to reach and engage customers as well as the risks that might be involved in such use.

Assignment Objective - Your marketing manager is performing a technology audit and is looking at new tools to grow the business. Your manager has tasked you to create a video walkthrough of a tool and evaluate it on how the business can grow and/or become more profitable.

Please select from this list below a tool to perform your analysis on:


PROJECT DELIVERABLES - Create a Zoom Video Walkthrough - Record a video walkthrough of you demonstrating the basic features of the Linkedin you have chosen with particular emphasis on how it can benefit a marketer. Emphasize any strengths or weaknesses you find important to demonstrate. Video length should be a minimum of 10 minutes.

Your Walkthrough should cover the following information:

Question 1. Describe the Tool you have selected
(Points a, b, c, & e. can be brief. Focus on point d.)

a. How long has the tool been around?
b. How many users/subscribers use this tool?
c. Who is the target market audience for this tool?
d. How does a user access it and use it? How does a marketer access it and use it? (for some tools this might be the same)(Demonstrate the tool and its abilities. This is important to show)
e. What do users expect from it? What do marketers expect from it? (for some tools, this might be the same)

Question 2. Monetization Strategy of The Tool(Keep this point brief)
a. How do the owners/developers of the tool make money?
b. How does this monetization impact the user experience?

Question 3. Marketing Benefits/Value
a. In your view, how useful is this tool for overall marketing?
b. Which industries are using this tool the most?
c. For what purpose a company would use this tool (trial, awareness, desire, loyalty)
d. Which companies are using it most effectively? List at least 2 and provide details on why you think they are using it most effectively.
e. Which industries might benefit the most from using this social media tool?

Question 4. Sample Campaign
a. Describe and show (with visuals if possible)one current successful campaign/example of this network's capability as a marketing medium. If you have selected a tool where this is not evident, you can select one company and describe how this tool would benefit that company.

Question 5. Marketing Risks
a. What are the risks involved for companies using this tool?

6. Conclusion(this is the most important section)
a. Why would you recommend this tool in a brand or company's social media efforts?
i. Identify a minimum of two bullet points on why

b. Why would you not recommend this tool in a brand or company's social media efforts?
i. Identify a minimum of two bullet points on why not.

ii. Within the content of your video, you should have demonstrated why and why not the platform is recommended.

Reference no: EM133191276

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8/11/2022 11:13:12 PM

Hi, I need to create a power point presentation which will do a walthrough of linkdein demonstrating the basic features of the Linkedin as per the attached 6 information in the attached documnent. It should be made in such a way so that it looks attractive for me to a walkthrough and record a video for 10-15 min.

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