What are the requirements for time and wage records

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133034110

SITXHRM002 Roster staff

Assessment 1: Written Test

Your task: Answer the following questions. Each question must be completed.

1. Go to fairwork website and identify the award provisions for:

a. Leave including shift workers
b. mandated breaks between shifts
c. maximum allowed shift hours
d. standard, overtime and penalty pay rates

2. You employ 3 chefs. John is casual, Jack is part-time and Chenelle is employed full time. They all arrive for the morning shift. After 1 hour a storm hits the restaurant and the power goes off. The manager informs staff that they shall clean up and leave as power will be off at least for 2 days. After 1.5 hours all staff leave. What is their pay entitlement for that day?

3. What are the leave provisions for the following instances?

• Carers

• compassionate reasons

• long service

• maternity or paternity

4. What are the requirements for time and wage records? How long these records must be kept?

5. What is the importance of rosters for efficiency in an organization and how can a roster be used to control staff costs?

6. Provide 3 examples for benefits for using a social and cultural skill mix in the hospitality industry:

7. Provide 3 examples for different religious and cultural beliefs of staff commonly working in the TH&E industry and how these religions potentially need to be accommodated for when preparing rosters:

Assessment 2

Your Tasks

All relevant information relating to awards and award conditions must be sourced from the attached website

1. You are required to develop the roster for the week commencing 16 January 2017 to 22 January 2017, using the spreadsheets provided.

Note: The information provided below includes a 30 minute meal break for each staff member. You will need to use the Roster spreadsheet to develop this staff roster on the first Tab.

Mark (Front Office grade 1) - will be working from 13.30 - 22.00 on Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sun and from 13.30 - 20.00 on Sat.

Tom (Front Office grade 1) - will be working from 6.00 - 14.30 on Mon, Tues, Wed and Sun and from 6.00 - 12.30 on Saturday.

Jordan (Front Office grade 1) - will be working from 22.00 - 6.30 Tues, Wed, Thurs and Fri and from 24.00 - 6.30 on Sat.

Sam (Front Office grade 2) - will be working from 15.30 - 22.00 on Mon, from 6.00 - 14.30 on Thurs, Fri and Sat and from 13.30 - 22.00 on Sun.

Shelly (Front Office grade 2) - will be working from 13.30 - 22.00 on Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs and from 13.30 - 20.00 on Fri.

Darren (Front Office grade 3) - will be working from 22.00 - 6.30 on Mon, Fri, Sat and Sun and from 24.00 - 6.30 on Tues.

Scott (Front Office Supervisor) will be working from 6.00 - 14.30 on Mon, Tues, Wed and Sun and from 6.00 - 12.30 on Thurs.

Margaret (Front Office Supervisor) - will be working from 15.30 - 22.00 on Tues, 13.30 - 22.00 on Wed and Sat, 12.30 - 21.00 on Thurs and from 6.00 - 14.30 on Fri.

Part B:

Your Tasks

2. Once you have developed the roster based on the above information, transfer the roster on TAB Part A and:

a. Check if each employee has at least two rostered days off in the week. Highlight these days in grey colour.

b. Calculate the weekly wages for each of the staff.

c. Calculate work hours for the week for each staff member.

d. Locate the correct hourly rate for each staff member based on their award including penalty rates which apply for specific times during weekdays and for Saturdays and Sundays.

d. Calculate the wages for each staff member for the week for this roster.

e. Calculate the total Wages for the wee

Attachment:- Roster staff.rar

Reference no: EM133034110

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11/23/2021 3:40:48 AM

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