Reference no: EM133648994
Apply safe design principles to control WHS risks
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test
Question 1
Answer the following questions.
What are the key elements and requirements of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws in Australia, and what responsibilities does a business have under these laws?
Write the Safe Work Australia codes of practice and guidance information that relate to safe design.
What are the requirements for managing WHS risks?
Write down the steps for implementing controls at each life-cycle stage of a product
Describe the requirements relating to consultation processes in WHS.
Explain the legislative duties of persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) or officers who are designers or are responsible for safe design processes.
Question 2
Explain the below factors involved in selecting WHS risk controls for product design.
Ensuring that level and reliability of risk control is commensurate with likelihood and impact of risk
Impact on safety of alterations to product during its life
Minimising impact of possible failure or defect by ensuring controls include fail-safe action
Question 3
Answer the following questions.
List and briefly explain any five (5) WHS principles that apply to product design
Explain the purpose of choosing right materials, systems and technology for product design.
Question 4
Answer the following questions.
Write any three (3) internal and external sources of WHS information and data.
Explain the procedures for accessing internal and external sources of WHS information and data.
Question 5
Explain the below-listed factors affecting safe design.
Work-related psychosocial factors
Occupational violence
Shift work
Repetitive work
Awkward postures
Thermal environment
Work layout
Question 6
Explain the impact of human cognitive and perceptual capabilities on safe design of products.
Question 7
Answer the following questions.
Describe the principles of anthropometry related to safe design principles to control WHS risks.
Explain the principles of biomechanics related to safe design principles to control WHS risks.
Question 8
Answer the following questions.
How are communication and consultation processes utilized to inform risk identification, assessment, treatment, monitoring, reporting, and review within the workplace? and provide examples of WHS consultation and communication processes that can be implemented in an organization to ensure effective sharing of information and involvement of workers in matters related to work health and safety?
What are the key personnel involved in WHS communication and how do they contribute to achieving WHS goals?
Question 9
Answer the following questions.
Explain the hierarchy of control measures.
What are the criteria for choosing different WHS risk controls and how do they guide the selection process?
Question 10
Answer the following questions.
What are some examples of key personnel roles within a workplace management structure, and what are their respective responsibilities and contributions to the organization?
What is the role and responsibilities of a change agent in an organization during a transformation process?
Question 11
What are the legal liabilities associated with providing advice in relation to health and safety under Australian WHS laws?
Question 12
How does behaviour and organizational culture impact workplace health and safety (WHS) and the process of change within an organization?
Question 13
Answer the following questions.
What are the key phases and responsibilities involved in WHS risk management, including design work, to ensure a safe workplace and comply with workplace health and safety policies and procedures?
What are the principles and practices involved in implementing a systematic approach to WHS (Work Health and Safety), including hazard identification, risk assessment, risk control, and control measure review?
Assessment Task 2: project and roleplay
You are working as Chief Health and Safety Officer in West Civil Construction (WCC).
Management of the West Civil Construction (WCC) wants you to eliminate or minimise hazards and their associated risks before introducing micro trencher and vacuum excavator in the workplace.
As part of your job role to eliminate or minimise hazards and their associated risks before introducing micro trencher and vacuum excavator in the workplace, you will have the following responsibilities:
Inform decision-makers of their obligations under WHS laws to manage WHS risks throughout the life cycle of a product.
Gather and make available to decision-makers the most up-to-date information and data on WHS principles, materials, technology, and systems applicable to product design.
Provide advice on methods and tools to aid in WHS hazard identification and risk assessment throughout a product's life cycle.
Determine and address decision-makers' learning and development needs in order to manage WHS risks that may arise during a product's life cycle, including during the design phase.
Advise on product consultation with known and/or potential users during the design phase, in accordance with organisational policies and procedures.
Recognise situations in which specialist and other advisers may be required to assist with safe design activities.
Based on the hierarchy of control measures, provide advice on the selection and implementation of required WHS risk controls in design.
Provide guidance on the documentation requirements for decision-making during the risk assessment process.
Advise on the creation of a residual WHS risk register and the dissemination of this information to those involved in the downstream or subsequent stages of the product life-cycle.
Advise on how to monitor the design as it evolves in order to identify and manage potential WHS hazards that may arise during the product's life cycle, as well as the risks associated with them.
Identify and address decision-makers' learning and development needs in relation to managing design-related WHS risks throughout a product's life cycle.
Assist decision-makers in taking into account the needs of those who use or interact with the product throughout its life cycle.
Facilitate the participation of technical experts as required by organisational processes and procedures.
Advise on consultation arrangements with required personnel throughout all phases of the design process to identify WHS hazards and control WHS risks that may occur throughout the life cycle of a product.
Provide guidance on communicating residual WHS risks in a product to those who will use or interact with it throughout its life cycle.
Advise purchasing and contractual decision-makers to include requirements to identify WHS hazards and control WHS risks, as well as to provide information and data on residual WHS risks, as part of the procurement process.
Suggest that a requirement to use a safe design approach be included in the design brief or draught specifications.
Task 1: Provide WHS advice in relation to developing a systematic WHS risk-management approach to safe design
This task requires you to provide WHS advice in relation to developing a systematic WHS risk-management approach to safe design.
To complete this task, you must :
Using the Task 1 Duties Template below identify the duties of the following decision makers under WHS laws to manage WHS risks throughout both the products (Micro Trencher and Vacuum Excavator) life cycles.
This is a role-play task (a).
Advise the following decision-makers of their duties under WHS laws to manage WHS risks throughout both the products' life cycles. Discuss the duties of the following stakeholders under WHS laws and ensure they are clear in their duties.
Gather and make available to decision-makers the most up-to-date information and data on WHS principles, materials, technology, and systems applicable to both products design. To complete this task:
Conduct research using the internet
Source the following information related to the safe design of the plant and document using Task 1 Information Template:
Information and data on WHS principles applicable to safe design
Information and data on materials, technology, and systems applicable to product design
Identify WHS risks that may arise during both the products' life cycles, including design-related WHS risks in a product's life cycle and document using Task 1 WHS Risks Template.
Collate advise on the following aspects in relation to developing a systematic WHS risk-management approach to safe design using Task 1 Advise Template.
Selection and implementation of required WHS risk controls in design, based on the hierarchy of control measures.
Documentation requirements relating to decision-making during the risk assessment process
Creation of a residual WHS risk register and the dissemination of this information to those involved in the downstream or subsequent stages of both the products' life-cycles.
Steps to monitor the design as it evolves in order to identify and manage potential WHS hazards that may arise during both the product's life cycle, as well as the risks associated with them.
This is a role-play task (b).
Present advice collated above using Task 1 Advise Template to the following stakeholder by chairing a meeting:
Users of the products/plans
Before the meeting, you must:
Create a meeting agenda using the Task 1 Meeting Agenda Template.
E-mail the meeting agenda to the meeting participants and request confirmation for the meeting using the Task 1 Email Template.
During the meeting, you must:
Welcome the participants
Discuss the advice regarding the WHS risk-management approach to safe design collated in Task 1 Advise Template.
Clarify the understanding of the participants.
After the meeting, you must:
Summarise the agreed outcomes using the Task 1 Meeting Minutes Template provided.
Identify situations where specialist and other advisers may be required to support safe design activities and document using Task 1 Advisors Requirement Template
This is a role-play task (c).
Identify and address learning and development needs of the decision-makers to manage design-related WHS risks in a products life cycles, including during its design phase.
Conduct a discussion session with the following decision-makers (Two (2) users of the product).
Consult them, identify the learning and development needs of the decision-makers to manage design-related WHS risks in a product's life cycle and document using Task 1 Learning and Development Needs Template
Provide guidance and address and development needs of the decision-makers to manage design-related WHS risks.
Further, document the steps implemented to address learning and development needs using Task 1 Learning and Development Needs Template
Task 2: Provide WHS advice in relation to consultation processes relating to safe design in a product's life cycle
This task requires you to provide WHS advice in relation to consultation processes relating to safe design in the products life cycles.
To complete the task, you must:
Support decision-makers in considering the needs of those using or interacting with the products (micro trencher and vacuum excavator) throughout their life cycle. Document the needs of those using or interacting with products throughout its life cycles using Task 2 Needs Template.
Facilitate involvement of technical experts as required according to organisational processes and procedures.
Gather reports from technical experts consulted about WHS risk in the products (micro trencher and vacuum excavator) life cycles by sending them an email using the Task 2 Email Template and requesting their formal report/s summarizing their findings, observations, and recommendations regarding WHS risks in the products' life cycles.
Note: For the purpose of Assessment the formal reports are provided separately.
Gather information based on the organisational processes and procedures given in the company overview and incorporate them in the next step.
This is a role-play task.
Conduct a consultation meeting with required personnel during all phases of design process to identify WHS hazards and control WHS risks that may occur throughout the products life cycles.
Communicating residual WHS risks in products to those who will use or interact with the products throughout its life cycles through a memo by using Task 2 Memo Template.
Task 3: Provide WHS advice in relation to procurement systems to minimise ‘purchased' WHS hazards and their associated risks
This task requires you to provide WHS advice in relation to procurement systems to minimise ‘purchased' WHS hazards and their associated risks.
To complete the task, you must:
Collate advise on the following aspects of procurement systems to minimise ‘purchased' WHS hazards and their associated risks using Task 3 Advise Template.
Requirements to identify WHS hazards and control WHS risks, and to provide information and data on residual WHS risks as part of procurement process.
Including a requirement to carry out a safe design approach in the design brief or draft specifications.
Present advice collated in above using Task 3 Advise Template to the following stakeholder by chairing a meeting:
Procurement Manager
General Manager
Before the meeting, you must:
Create a meeting agenda using the Task 3 Meeting Agenda Template.
E-mail the meeting agenda to the meeting participants and request confirmation for the meeting using the Task 3 Email Template.
During the meeting, you must:
Welcome the participants
Conduct the meeting.
Discuss the advice regarding the procurement systems in Task 3 Advise Template.
Clarify the understanding of the participants.
After the meeting, you must:
Summarise the agreed outcomes using the Task 3 Meeting Minutes Template provided.