What are the reactions of some of athletes team-mates

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131213886

English Assignment

1. What I want you to do: I want you to look for information on the athlete that Theresa mentioned yesterday, Colin Kaepernick..... and his actions which have caused a controversy in regards to the National Anthem of the USA and towards the flag of the USA.

2. Then, I want you to answer the following questions:

a). Why, exactly, is he refusing to stand up during the National Anthem? What reasons does he give?

b). What are the reactions of some of his team-mates regarding his actions? Give at least two specific names and what they say about the situation

c.) What have been some of the NEGATIVE reactions towards him -- find at least two examples of either groups or individuals who have disagreed, protested, or expressed other negative comments about him

d.) Can you find out through what you have read what seems to be the opinion of most Americans regarding his actions -- do they seem to agree with him, or oppose him? Or, is there a mixture of feelings among the American public towards him? OR, is this topic even mentioned anywhere; do any sources tell you what the American public seems to think? If so, where did you find the information?

Answer each of the questions separately, in full sentences and with examples where asked for. ALSO, tell me where you found your information. If it was all from the same article, then tell me the name of the article and what 'medium' it was -- online, magazine, TV, Twitter, etc. If you found different things from different sources, then tell me what pieces of information came from which source.

Reference no: EM131213886

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