Reference no: EM132267418
Question: Make sure all essay questions you choose to answer are clearly identified, and all parts of the essay questions are answered.
Exams must be typed, using 12-point font, and single-spaced within questions, and doublespaced between questions. There is no suggested length for questions; but please remember business writing is clear, concise and logically connected.
Should you choose to use resources outside of your textbook or class discussion slides you will need a reference section at the end of yourtest.
Section 1-Chapters1(The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing
Understanding the WTO: 1. What does WTO stand for;
2. what is the WTO;
3. what is its primary purpose;
4. what is its role;
5. why is it important to belong to the WTO (make sure to address all 5 parts).
As discussed in class, China has not yet complied to a key rule/regulation of the WTO. What rule/regulation is China in noncompliance, and what are the ramifications from a country in noncompliance.
Section 2 - Chapter 3 (History and Geography: The Foundations of Culture)
1. How has Japan's history influenced its contemporary behavior and culture? Answer the samequestion for your chosen country. Be specific. (Brazil)
Section 3 - Chapters 4 (Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global
1. List and define the four dimensions of cultural values as given by Hofstede. Be specific. Now apply these dimensions of cultural value to your chosen country (Brazil) . How do they differ from the U.S.? Be specific.
Section4 - Chapters6&7 (The Political Environment: A Critical Concern & The International Legal Environment: Playing by the Rules)
1. Will leaving the country make an American businessman immune to U.S. laws? Be specific and give examples.
2. We spent a lot of time speaking to counterfeits. What are some of the most dangerous counterfeits in the market today? Why do you see them as dangerous? What are thetop offending countries? Is your chosen country one of them (Bazil )? Be specific.
Information related to above question is enclosed below:
Attachment:- Globalmarketintestsection1-4.rar