What are the qualities of valuable information

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM131395152

What Is Data Integrity, and What Are the Qualities of Valuable Information? Because data is used to generate information, many organizations realize that data is one of their more valuable assets. Data integrity identifies the quality of data. Data integrity is important because computers and people use information to make decisions and take actions. For a computer to produce correct information, the data that is entered in a database must have integrity. For information to be valuable, it should be accurate, verifiable, timely, organized, accessible, useful, and cost-effective. Accurate information is error free. Verifiable information can be proven as correct or incorrect. Timely information has an age suited to its use. Organized information is arranged to suit the needs and requirements of the decision maker. Accessible information is available when the decision maker needs it. Useful information has meaning to the person who receives it. Cost-effective information should give more value than it costs to produce.

Reference no: EM131395152

Questions Cloud

Suppose an individual demand curve : Suppose an individual demand curve is given by P = 100 - 5Q, where P is the price of smoothies and Q is the quantity she consumes. Assuming her income per week is $1,000 and the current price of smoothies is $5 each, by how much will her consumer ..
How does a database interact with data and information : Information is processed data; that is, it is organized, meaningful, and useful. In addition to documents, information can be in the form of audio, images, and video.
Explain various forms of alternative dispute resolution : ETH/321- Explain how laws or regulations affect your present job or industry. Describe various forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and discuss how this is different from the court system.
Changes in your consumption will produce higher utility : By plotting red wine is on the horizontal axis and white wine on the horizontal, first show graphically and then by the utility-maximizing equilibriumequation, whether your consumption of red and white wine is in fact maximizing your utility. If..
What are the qualities of valuable information : Accessible information is available when the decision maker needs it. Useful information has meaning to the person who receives it. Cost-effective information should give more value than it costs to produce.
Form of argumentation - popular film stars are millionaires : Determine whether each is strong or weak, and note the relationship between your answer and the truth or falsity of the premise(s) and conclusion.- Most popular film stars are millionaires.
Explain the importance of the market for loanable funds : Discuss the importance of the market for loanable funds and the market for foreign-currency exchange to the achievement of the strategic plan.
What are file maintenance techniques and validation : Types of validity checks include an alphabetic check, a numeric check, a range check, a consistency check, a completeness check, and a check digit.
Solve for the equilibrium price : Suppose that demand for good X is given by:QD = 20 -P, while supply is given by: QS = 2P-4. a) Solve for the equilibrium price (P*) and quantity (Q*)


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