What are the pros or cons of e-commerce for businesses

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131480245

Please respond in complete sentences for each question, unless directed to do otherwise, demonstrating in your reply that you have read the material in order to receive full credit.

Topic 1: E-commerce

This week is all about E-commerce.


E-commerce is a natural byproduct of an Interconnected world.

Question #1:

Select and respond to one of the following questions

What are the impacts of E-commerce on traditional "mom-and-pop", "brick-and mortar" businesses?

What are some of the pros and cons of E-commerce for the consumer?

What are the pros or cons of E-commerce for businesses?

What are the driving factors that have resulted in the growth of E-commerce within the last decade?

How has the increase in E-commerce changed the way in which products and services are marketed?

What role has digital media played in the rise of E-commerce?

Topic 2: The Amazon Empire

This week you viewed a slideshow titled How Amazon Controls Ecommerce: Amazon.com the Hidden Empire.


Amazon is a prime example of the power of eCommerce.

Question #1:

What topic stood out to you the most in this presentation?

Reference no: EM131480245

Questions Cloud

Discuss about the academic study of religion : What are common questions, concerns, practices, and experiences across various world religions? Include indigenous religions in your discussion.
Describe how some who has fallen victim to a network attack : Describe how some who has fallen victim to a Network Attack should properly respond there after?
Societies suffer from moral and spiritual poverty : Pope Benedict XVI suggested that âwealthy societies suffer from moral and spiritual poverty. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
What role does the law play in your business life : What role does the law play in your business life?
What are the pros or cons of e-commerce for businesses : What are the impacts of E-commerce on traditional "mom-and-pop", "brick-and mortar" businesses?
Monopolistically competitive market : Suppose Wave detergent is sold in a monopolistically competitive market. If the price of Wave detergent is currently $6 and the ATC is $4, in the long-run.
Compute the output-labor and output-capital elasticities : How would you compute the output-labor and output-capital elasticities for the linear production function given in Table?
What is the role of the sacred texts in hinduism : Provide a brief history of Hinduism.Summarize the mythology and functions of one Hindu god or goddess.What is the role of the sacred texts in Hinduism?
Which marketing orientation focuse primarily on efficiencies : Which of the following marketing orientations focuses primarily on improving efficiencies? Relationship marketing is also known as ________.


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