What are the properties of hash functions

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133192673

1. What are the properties of hash functions?

2. Bob designed a new scheme to detect whether a message is modified by an attacker (protecting data integrity). The scheme is to append to each message a SHA-256 hash of that message. Explain the vulnerability of Bob's design

3. Bob designed another new scheme to detect whether a message is modified by an attacker (protecting data integrity). The scheme is to append to each message a SHA256 hash of that message, then encrypt the whole appended message using AES with a known key to the public. Explain the vulnerability of Bob's design.

4. A company is selling an artifact worth millions of dollars. Many interested buyers are in the bidding process, which works as follows. Each buyer sends the information of his/her final number (e.g., $1,000,000.00) to the company to show his/her commitment. And the number must be kept confidential from other buyers and even the company before the deadline. After the deadline, all numbers are released to all buyers and the company, then the buyer with the highest number wins. Design a HASH FUNCTION based scheme to secure the bidding process.


Reference no: EM133192673

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