What are the principal advantages of arrays

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131734343


Every programming language that I know of uses the concept of "arrays." Arrays can be extremely useful and powerful when you are dealing with many objects of the same type, e.g., num, float, char, etc. In other words, you cannot mix types within an array. For example, you cannot have an array with some numbers, some decimal values, and some words. You must choose what type of array you will have and all the data must be consistent with other data in the array.

You will quickly notice that arrays are tightly connected with loops, so you really need to understand loops fully before tackling arrays.

Also this week, we will also take a look this week at the concept of "strings" and the manipulation thereof.

What are the principal advantages of arrays? Can you give some examples?

Reference no: EM131734343

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