What are the primary roles that hr play in the changes

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Reference no: EM131906007

Question: Most organizations at one point or another will have a change in organizational framework and alignment. Some managers think that organizational structure is very generic and general; however, this is far from the truth! Not all organizations can be successful in dealing with organizational change, which is lead and organized by HR and senior management. I am sure most of you have heard of Dr. John Kotter who developed eight steps of organizational change and alignment, which I think most organizations would benefit from evaluating just to see where they stand in terms of internal structure and where employees within an organization see the current status and place within the marketplace (Kotter, 2007). Class, what are some of the primary reasons why organizations choose to make large shifts in internal alignment and organizational structure? What are the primary roles that HR play in these changes and why? Please share your thoughts.

Kotter, J. (January, 2007). Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail.

Reference no: EM131906007

Questions Cloud

What two questions do you wish you could ask the author : What two questions do you wish you could ask the author of the blog and/or the authors of the reports provided in the module readings?
Primary reason-why organizations choose to make large shifts : Class, what are some of the primary reasons why organizations choose to make large shifts in internal alignment and organizational structure?
What about the riskiness of the investment : For the Malik v. Caldwell case that you read last week there are two types of damages requested by the plaintiff: What about the riskiness of the investment
How does public policy with respect to individual privacy : How would you balance the privacy rights of the individual with the public's interest to know and the right to distribute information?
What are the primary roles that hr play in the changes : Most organizations at one point or another will have a change in organizational framework and alignment. Some managers think that organizational structure.
Make goal-setting effective : Setting goals can be effective motivation. What might a manager and employee do to make goal-setting effective?
Define major sources of short-term financing for firm : Define and compare three major sources of short-term financing for a firm?
Explain the description of the goals of your organization : You have been asked by the Board of Directors to write a report evaluating this case study, as they are interested in adding a telemedicine department.
What is the estimated ocf for project : Consider a project to supply Detroit with 20,000 tons of machine screws annually for automobile production. What is the estimated OCF for this project?


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