What are the potential side effects of the medications

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Reference no: EM133503359


You are working with a new patient in an outpatient pediatric clinic. He is an eight-year-old child who has spastic cerebral palsy. You review his medical history before evaluating him and discover he is on several medications for his spasticity and seizures. The medications include Robinul, Neurontin, and Baclofen. He has been on these medications for a few months, and the mother reports that the combination appears to be working with the least amount of side effects they have seen so far compared with other medications. Use 5 peer reviewed sources within the last 10 years

Why is medication management important in Occupational therapy? What is each of these medications for? What are the potential side effects of the medications? Are there any known drug interactions? How might these medications benefit the client's functioning? How could these medications interfere with the client's functioning as an Occupational therapist?

Reference no: EM133503359

Questions Cloud

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