What are the possible risks of working with a single vendor

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133432827


Maruti Suzuki Drives Business Growth on a Full Oracle Stack Youtube video:

In regards to Business Intelligence effects on Maruti Suzuki, answer the following questions:

1.) What were the business challenges facing Maruti Suzuki management prior to adopting the Oracle suite?

2.) What advantages does Maruti Suzuki derive from working with a single vendor, Oracle? What are the possible risks of working with a single vendor?

3.) What were the important business factors which management used to evaluate Oracle's database offerings?

4.) Why was it important that a vendor's products be able to integrate with legacy systems?

5.) What are the business benefits reported by management to using the Oracle suite of products?

Reference no: EM133432827

Questions Cloud

Do you believe we are too dependent on computers : Do you believe we are too dependent on computers? Why or why not? In what ways are we safer due to new technologies?
Discuss the impact of cybersecurity threats : To illustrate the impact of cybersecurity threats, develop a one-page fact sheet using one of the regions from your matrix.
What major security programs or initiatives are in place : What are your organization's security-focused strategic objectives? What major security programs or initiatives are in place?
Develop a commercially reasonable cybersecurity program : Second, resources must be provided to develop standards and procedures for a commercially reasonable cybersecurity program. (Develop the Program).
What are the possible risks of working with a single vendor : What advantages does Maruti Suzuki derive from working with a single vendor, Oracle? What are the possible risks of working with a single vendor?
Analyze the general education lense : Your technology's role in the event through one of the general education interdisciplinary lenses to determine the technology's impact on various institutions.
Create a briefing on linux to present to management : Create a briefing on Linux to present to management. Remember when you are preparing this document that the company currently uses Window.
Describe the program supports relevant governance : Describe the level of education and professional development that is needed for staff who manage cybersecurity operations in the organization.
Assess the probability-persistence of potential attacks : For this assignment, you must assess the probability, impact, and persistence of potential attacks by integrating the risk elements from earlier weeks.


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