What are the possible causes for the existence of the issue

Assignment Help Management Information Sys
Reference no: EM131142053

Training Needs Analysis (TNA)& Design Document Report

Identifying the training need is a critical first step in the training and development process. One needs to tie the deficiency to a business need and ensure that the benefits of conducting the training are likely to resolve the identified problem. For this assignment, you will be tasked with doing just that.

Refer to the discussed theories (i.e., expectancy theory or social learning theory) Directions:

Choose an Organization

Select an organization. It can be either a recent employer or a business where you may have volunteered. Identify a particular department in which you have experience.

If you cannot identify an organization, consider a fictitious organization well known for a popular product. The company has hired you as a consultant to do a needs assessment.

Create a Training Needs Analysis Report

Create a set of ten to fifteen interview questions to ask managers and employees. The questions should address all of the necessary sections to complete the training needs analysis report.

Required Information for the Training Needs Analysis Report:

Background Information: Include information about the organization and the issue you have identified or for which you were consulted.

Number of Employees: Identify the number of employees to be trained and their current skill levels.

Locations of Employees: Identify where the employees to be trained are located.

Interview Data: Interview at least one manager and one employee and summarize managerial and employee feedback on current performance and identified skill gaps. Include your list of questions and answers.

Observational Data: Observe at least one or two employees performing the job for which training will be created and include a log of your personal observations.

Training Sponsor: Identify the requestor and the approver of the training (may be a single person or two separate individuals).

Identification of Training Needs: Include the following in your conclusion:

Perform Performance Analysis: If training has been identified due to a performance problem (errors at work, etc.), conduct an analysis to confirm whether a training remedy can resolve the skill deficiency. If not, suggest other strategies that management can use to solve the problem without training (i.e., improving communication on what is expected of employees).

Identify Insufficient Knowledge or Skills: List specific knowledge or skills that are deficient (lack of knowledge of products, lack of skills in operating specific software, etc.).

Identify the Business Need: Summarize the business need impacted by the identified knowledge or skill deficiency.

Identify Cultural or Ethical Considerations: Discuss considerations to be kept in mind when designing the training course.

Justification for the Training: Provide your justification for training as the solution to the identified performance problem or skill deficiency:

What were the indicators or facts that identify the existence of the issue?

What are the possible causes for the existence of the issue?

Delivery Dates: Identify when the organization wants to implement the training. Do you think it can be offered in a timely manner? Explain why or why not:

Training and Development Department: Assess the company's training and development department's role. How will the department be involved?

Construct a Design Document Report

Next, construct a design document making your training recommendations for management. A design document should outline your training program at a high level. It should include all the below-listed components. You are to utilize the Design Document Report Template as a guide for organizing your content.

USE the Design Document Report Template (attached).

Required Information for a Design Document Report:

Course Title: Suggest a course title.

Course Description: Explain in three to four sentences the goals of the whole course.

Course Objectives: Write four to six objectives using measureable Bloom's Taxonomy verbs.

Course Topics: Include three to five main topics with three to five subtopics for at least three modules.

Activities: Include one suggested activity for each module (simulation, case study, etc.) that directly links to all objectives (three in total).

Explain how you incorporated ethical or diversity-related considerations.

Module Time Frame: Provide an approximate time frame within which the participant has to complete each module (e.g., in class or online).

Course Time Frame: Provide an approximate time frame within which the participant has to complete the full course (e.g., the number of hours or days).

Delivery Approach: Recommend a suggested delivery method for the whole course (instructor-led, online, blended, etc.).

Delivery Approach Justification: Justify your training delivery approach recommendation, along with a comparison of two to three different delivery options based on learning theories, training research, organizational requirements, and individual needs.

Risks: Identify any project risks or concerns that could affect the success of this training (budget, timelines, buy-in, etc.).

Follow-Up: Analyze the different methods available for follow-up to ensure transfer of training. Determine the preferred method and justify your decision referencing scholarly resources.

Evaluation: Construct an evaluation for the training using Kirkpatrick's model and discuss it.

Reference no: EM131142053

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