Reference no: EM132055432
Question: You will need to find an article that is related to sustainability and the environmental.
Topic options
- pollution
- climate change
- environmental legislation
- alternative energy sources
- fossil fuels
- human population growth and its impact on the environment
- renewable resources
- recycling/waste management
- air quality
- water quality
- food production/food safety
- GMOs (genetically modified organisms)
The assignment will entail: the article, a summary, personal reaction and citation.
Article: - The article should be current - up to one year old and taken from a reliable source. The sources may be scientific publications, popular magazines, newspapers or the like. Try the NY Times (especially Tuesdays), Washington Post, National Geographic, Discover Magazine, Scientific American, Science, Nature, etc.
- Article should be at least 4 paragraphs long and have enough "meat" to it that you can summarize the article and add your own opinion to it.
Summary: Write a brief one to two paragraph summary of the article and point out the major environmental themes discussed.
Personal Reaction: Your personal reaction should clearly state your opinions and/or reflection on the article. You can offer potential solutions, compare it to another environmental problem, ask questions about the article, or simply reflect on the article's content.
- What are the key points made in the article?
- What are the points of view presented about this issue?
- Does the article teach you something new?
- Does it support or refute other information you've heard or read?
Cite the source of your article:
Underneath your reaction, list the citation for your article in MLA format. You may use the any citation website to help you:,, to help with this.