What are the philosophical underpinnings of the methodology

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Reference no: EM132094630


The student is required to select a refereed nursing journal article and describe the research paradigm it followed, discuss the philosophical principles underlying the paradigm utilised in the article. The student is required to identify the methodology outlined, describe the strengths and weaknesses of the methodology and the research steps that are characteristic of the methodology applied in the article.

Video: Paradigms and methodology 13:37

Assessment criteria

- Select a literature/ research article that provide the strongest evidence for your topic. Your articles must be ≤ 5 years old.

- Your assignment must have an introduction, a body (which is the content of the issues) and a conclusion.

- USE APA FORMAT APA guidelines. Information cited from an unreliable websites, pamphlets or magazines is not acceptable for this paper. Content

- Describe whether the title of the article gives you an idea of what the research is about.
- Describe briefly the research topic and the significance (purpose) and background of the study?

Methodology and Design
- What are the philosophical underpinnings of the methodology chosen in the article.
- What is the research design presented in the article? Briefly describe the design, strengths and weaknesses.

Data Collection
- What research instrument was chosen?
- Discuss Validity and reliability.

Literature review and sampling design
- Is the literature sited relevant to the research topic?
- What is the target population?
- Where and how are the samples obtained? Inclusion and exclusion

- Is ethical consideration attended to?

Findings and recommendations
- What are the findings?
- What conclusions are drawn?
- What recommendations are put forth?
- What are limitations of the study

Presentation of your critical review of the article
- Headings are clearly labelled and clearly presented.

- Logical and sequential arguments and discussions within the body of the paper.

- Conclusion provides a very clear summary of the presentation

Quality of writing
- Grammar, syntax, expression, spelling
- APA Style, presentation and legibility

- In-text citations

- Reference list

- Appropriate references e.g. refereed journals


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Reference no: EM132094630

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8/23/2018 11:49:58 PM

APA Format and References Paper contains 1-2 errors in Paper contains less than 3 Paper contains less than 3 Paper contains 5 or more Paper contains numerous grammar, punctuation or errors in grammar, errors in grammar, grammatical, punctuation or grammatical, punctuation or spelling punctuation or spelling. punctuation or spelling. spelling errors. spelling errors. Paper meets APA guidelines Paper meets appropriate APA Paper uses minimal APA Paper attempts to use some Paper does not use regarding margins, font, guidelines regarding margins, guidelines regarding APA guidelines for appropriate margins, font, references, etc. All content font, references, etc. Most appropriate margins, font, appropriate margins, font, references, etc. The content is follows current APA writing content compliant with references, etc. Minimal references, etc. Most of not compliant with current guidelines. current APA writing compliance with current APA content is not in compliance APA writing guidelines. guidelines. writing guidelines. with current APA writing guidelines.


8/23/2018 11:49:49 PM

Presentation Headings are clearly labelled Headings are clearly labelled, Not all headings are clearly (Organization/Clarity) and the information under and the information under provided and the information each heading is very clearly each heading is clearly under each heading is clear Logical ordering of ideas; presented and referenced as presented and referenced as and referenced as required. transitions between major points required. required. Good flow of ideas within the Logical and sequential Very good flow of ideas within body of the paper. Mostly arrangement of arguments the body of the paper. Mostly logical and sequential and discussions within the logical and sequential arrangement of arguments body of the paper. arrangement of arguments and discussions. and discussions. Conclusion provides an Conclusion provides a clear Conclusion provides a very adequate summary of the summary of the presentation. presentation. No new clear summary of the information is provided.


8/23/2018 11:49:31 PM

Findings What are the findings? Student addresses all the Student addresses most of the Student addresses adequately Student addresses very few of Student fail to address the What conclusions are drawn? findings items to the selected findings items to the selected of the findings items to the the findings items to the findings items and the study in a comprehensive study. These items were selected study. These items selected study. These items explanations, descriptions and What recommendations are put manner. All items were sufficiently and clearly were moderately and briefly were briefly explained, discussions were irrelevant. forth? explained, described and explained, described and explained, described and described and discussed. What are limitations of the study? discussed extensively and in discussed. discussed. detail. Marks /5 5 4 3 2.5 2-0


8/23/2018 11:49:17 PM

Literature Review and Sampling Is the literature sited relevant to Student addresses selected Student addresses most of the Student addresses adequately Student addresses very few of Student fails to address the the research topic? study in a comprehensive items to the selected study. the items to the selected the items to the selected items and the explanations, What is the target population? manner. All items were These items were sufficiently study. These items were study. These items were explained, described and moderately and briefly GCNRN4 Research in Nursing - Version.1 Institute of Health and Management Dated: 05 CRICOS Provider: 03407G | HEP ID: PRV 14040 | ABN: 19 155 760 437 | ACN: 155 760 437 What are the inclusion and discussed extensively and in and clearly explained, explained, described and briefly explained, described descriptions and discussions exclusion criteria of the sample detail. described and discussed. discussed. and discussed. were irrelevant. Are ethical considerations attended to? Marks /5 5 4 3 2.5 2-0


8/23/2018 11:49:12 PM

Methodology and Design Philosophical underpinnings of the Student accurately addresses Student addresses the Student addresses adequately Student does not show Student fail to address the paradigm chosen the Philosophical philosophical underpinnings the philosophical understanding of the philosophical underpinnings What is the research design? underpinnings and all the of the study and most of the underpinnings of the study Philosophical underpinnings of the study and the design, study designs items to the study designs items to the and the study designs items of the study and hardly and explanations, descriptions selected study in a selected study. These items to the selected study. These addresses the study design and discussions were Data Collection comprehensive manner. All were sufficiently and clearly items were moderately and and items to the selected irrelevant. items were explained, explained, described and briefly explained, described study. These items were Research instrument chose described and discussed discussed. and discussed. hardly explained, described Validity and reliability extensively and in detail. and discussed.


8/23/2018 11:48:44 PM

Rubric for Formative Assessment – 30%(1500 words due week 4) Criteria Excellent = HD Good = D Fair = C POOR = P FAIL =N Introduction The introduction The introduction The introduction adequately Student provides minimal Student fails to identify the Research question and topic demonstrates evidence of demonstrates appropriate identifies and describes the description and topic and has not shown exceptional understanding amount of evidence of selected topic and significance understanding of the selected understanding of what is to clearly presented and clear and adequate relevant knowledge and topic and significance be discussed in the paper. What is the significance of the description of the question, understanding of the topic study? topic and significance. and significance


8/23/2018 11:48:11 PM

Nursing Work Update: you have to write the things, whether on quantitative or qualitative. This topic is related to qualitative. WORD LIMIT: 1500NOTES: APA REFERENCES, NOT LESS 5 YEARS OLD. One attachment is just a example and another is question with format. I am sending you one article on another email which is given by her professor, please choose that topic only for this assignment and find out others journal articles related to the same topic. Any concerns, feel free to contact. Thanks

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