Reference no: EM131042176
Car manufacturers are concerned about meeting new government regulations on fuel efficiency. Audi knows that their average mile per gallon (mpg: 16-38) of their entire line of automobiles in 2000 was 27.93 and their current line of automobiles (N) is 30.67 but they do not know the variance of the population (year 2000). They would like to use the line in 2000 as the standard to compare the current line to see if their mpg is improving and they are making progress to meeting government regulations.
A. What are the independent and dependent variables and how are each scaled
Independent:________________________ Scaling:_____________________________
Dependent:__________________________ Scaling:_____________________________
B. What test should Audi use
C. Why that test?
D. What are the null and alternative hypotheses for that test?
E. What are that tests assumptions?
F. What are the df?________________________
G. What is the critical value for p=.05? _________________________
H. If Audi calculates a test statistic of 3.19, should they (2 pts)? Retain H0 Reject H0
I. Interpret the findings:
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