Reference no: EM133133657
BSBHRM522 Manage employee and industrial relations
Q1 Prepare definitions for the following workplace relations terminology.
Trade unions
Employer bodies or associations
Conflict management
Contingency plan
Cost-benefit analysis
Employee relations (ER)
Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA)
Implementation plan
Industrial disputes
Industrial relations (IR)
Internal stakeholders
Remedial action
Risk analysis
Organisational objectives
Q2 a- List FOUR (4) key features of the Fair Work system.
Q2b- Who is covered by the Fair Work system in Victoria?
Q3- Why is it important to factor in employee relations (ER)and industrial relations (IR) when developing strategic and operational plans? (100 - 150 words)
Q4 a- Identify 3 possible sources of conflict/grievance.
Q4 b- Explain what you can do to investigate the root cause of conflict/grievance before they escalate. (150 - 200 words)
Q5- List 3 types of enterprise agreements and define each agreement in your own words.(100 - 150 words).
Q6- What are the National Employment Standards? (100-150 words)
Q7- List SIX (6) grounds on which an employee can be discriminated.
Q8 a- Why is it important to monitor employee/ industrial relationsperformance? (50 - 100 words)
Q8b- What kind of measurements can organisations use to monitor and evaluate employee/ industrial relationsperformance? (50 - 100 words)
Q9- List minimum of FIVE (5) elements that can be included in an Enterprise Agreement.
Q10- List 5 factors that need to be considered when developing contingency plans for employee relations.
Q11 a - Why is training an important part of introducing new organisational employee relationsER&IR policies and procedures? (50 - 100 words)
Q11b- What does the training involve introducing new employee/ industrial relations policies and procedures? (100 - 150 words)
Q12 a- Briefly describe the following steps in cost-benefit analysis
12 b- Briefly describe the following steps in risk analysis
Q13- List FIVE (5) possible issues in employee and industrial relations that should be considered when conducting the risk assessment.
Q14- List FIVE (5) conflict management styles and explain when it is appropriate to use (150 - 200 words).
Q15- What needs to be included when developing industrial relations policies and procedures? (Total 100 - 150 words)
Q16- Identify at least two sources that can provide both expert employee relation (ER) and industrial relation (IR) advice.
Q17- Identify SIX (6) steps to make a single enterprise agreement with brief explanation of each step. (250 - 300 words)
Q18- Identify FIVE (5) main organisations that make up Australia's national workplace relations system and explain their responsibilities. (200 - 250 words)
Q19- What do you need to consider when applying risk management to employee and industrial relations management? (50 - 100 words)
Q20- What skills and knowledge required for the management to implement employee relations/ industrial relations strategies and policies effectively? List at least FIVE (5) skills and/or knowledge with reasons why they are required. (150 - 200 words)
Q21- How can you involve employees in the planning and implementation of new employee/ industrial relations policies? (200 - 250 words)
Q22- Explain why grievances and conflicts should be documented. (100 - 150 words)
Q23- Select THREE (3) methods of reviewing employee/ industrial relations policies and procedures and indicate the advantages and disadvantages of each method. (150 - 200 words)
Q24- Explain FIVE (5) stages in the negotiation process in your own words. (200 - 250 words)
Q25 a- When is the best time to obtain advice from the experts in the field of both ER & IR employee relations?
Q25 b- What do you need to do before contacting the experts?
Q26- Explain the benefits of both good ER & IR relations employee relations to achieve organisational objectives. (50 - 100 words).
1. You must complete the full project and provide enough information to demonstrate sufficient understanding of what has been asked to achieve competency. Please ask your Trainer/Assessor if you are unsure what sufficient detail for an answer is.
2. Ask your Trainer/Assessor if you do not understand the project, he/she may be able to re-word the requirements for you or provide further assistance based on the Institute's "Reasonable Adjustment Policy".
3. The document you produce should primarily be your own words and not plagiarised, nor copied.
4. Material taken directly from other sources must be presented in quotation marks (" ") and be suitably referenced.
You will be required to undertake and create THREE (3) project tasks in order to successfully complete this assessment. This project assessment requires you to demonstrate evidence of your ability to:
• Analyse organisational documentation to determine long-term ER & IR employee relations objectives and their current employee relations performance.
• Collaborate with others to develop and review employee/ industrial relations policies and plans.
• Develop implementation and contingency plans for both ER and IR industrial relations policies.
• Identify the skills and knowledge needed to implement the plan and organise training and development for self and staff.
• Document and communicate strategies and procedures for eliminating and dealing with grievances and disputes.
• Train others in conflict-resolution techniques.
• Manage industrial relations conflicts, including advocating the organisation's position during negotiations and documenting, implementing and following up agreements.
You may complete this assessment project by working either individually or in groups of between 2 and 3 students.
You (and your group if applicable) are to assume you are employed by Marco's Manufacturing Pty. Ltd. See the scenario below for details.
1. Analysing documentation and Ddeveloping and ImplementingER & IR policies and plans
• Analyse a company's plans against employee/ industrial relations objectives and performance
• Develop ER & IR industrial relations policies, implementation and contingency plans
2. Identifying negotiationskills/knowledge gaps in conflict management and organising training
• Identify training needs
• Organise appropriate training
• Develop and deliver training on conflict-resolution techniques
3. Managing industrial relations issues
• Negotiate as a representative of a company
• Implement and follow up agreements
Disclaimer notice: This scenario is a fiction and used as a sample. It is presented by Rhodes College for the purpose of study for the benefit of the students. It should not be used for any other purpose.
You are the HR Manager at Marco's Manufacturing Pty Ltd. Marco's manufactures metal framing for the housing construction industry. Please refer Appendix 1 for the company's strategic and operational plans 2020 - 2023.
The company employs 50 full-time and part-time workers in the factory, 3 full-time staff in the warehouse and 12 in the office, including 5 part-time employees. Marco's also has 3 sales representatives who are contractors, spend most of their time visiting clients and therefore are in the office infrequently.
The factory workers are employed under the
The office staff are employed under the
The warehouse staff are employed under the
1. Documentation Analysis
Analyse the company's strategic and operational plans at Appendix 1.
a. Determine long-term employee relations objectives.
b. Determine the primary objectives of accommodating different interests in industrial relations?
c. Suggest how you can achieve the above objectives in the areas of:
i. Employee communication -
ii. Employee involvement -
iii. Employee discipline -
iv. Employee rights -
2. Policy and Plan Development
In order to achieve the objectives, you are now required to develop the following:
a. Develop employee/ industrial relations policy covering:
i. Purpose of the policy
ii. Right of entry
iii. Freedom of association
b. Develop industrial relations plan covering:
i. Counselling process
ii. Coaching process
iii. Disciplinary process
iv. Dispute resolution process
c. Review the above policy and plan with your classmates and note their ideas for improvement. Note the date of discussion, Student ID and the names of your classmates.
d. Develop implementation plan for industrial relations policy covering:
i. Proposed Actions - Minimum 6 actions
ii. Due dates
iii. Indicators to measure progress
e. Develop contingency plan for industrial relations policy covering:
i. Key risks/threats - Minimum 3 risks/threats
ii. Probability of each risk/threat
iii. Prevention/Avoidance methods
1. Training Needs Analysis
Identify the skills and knowledge needed for Supervisors and Managers to execute each plan by completing the table below.
2. Training organisation
List TWO (2) training programs that may be necessary to implement each plan. Find out the course name, provider, duration, contents of the program and the cost.
Jeminda Singh is a recently hired factory worker who wears a turban to work for religious reasons. He speaks to you about other workers making negative comments about his turban. Jeminda has already spoken with his supervisor, John Smith. He has spoken with other workers and told Jeminda that they were just joking. Jeminda was not satisfied with John's answer. He escalated the issue to the Operation Manager, Robert Johnson. Robert has spoken with John and said Jeminda that he is too sensitive. Jeminda is upset with his team environment. He is ready to escalate the issue beyond the organisation if necessary.
3. Training program development and delivery
You are to develop and deliver a training program for Supervisors and Managers on conflict-resolution techniques in employee/ industrial relations.
a. Create a session plan using the template at Appendix 2. Ensure to cover:
i. Legal responsibilities
ii. Dispute resolution procedures according to the Awards
iii. Possible consequences when the issue escalates
iv. Importance of conflicts to be documented
v. Minimum of THREE (3) conflict management techniques
b. Develop a training material and deliver the program that includes:
i. Simple and clear explanation of each element
ii. Visual images
iii. No more than 10 slides in total
iv. Eye contact during delivery
v. Interaction with audience
1. Classroom discussion
You are to participate in a team discussion to manage Jeminda's issue.
a. Form a team of 3. Discuss the issue considering everyone's point of view.
i. Jeminda Singh
ii. John Smith
iii. Robert Johnson
iv. HR Manager - You
b. Negotiate as a representative of a company to come up with the agreement. Consider options before negotiation. Evaluate your options based on costs/benefits, risks, and legal requirements.
c. Document discussion using the template at Appendix 3.
Attachment:- Manage employee and industrial relations.rar