Reference no: EM131053271
1.a. What is aggregate planning and how long is the planning horizon? What demand and capacity manipulators do we use? A manager has prepared a forecast of expected aggregate demand for the next six months. Develop an aggregate plan to meet this demand given this additional information: A level production rate of 100 units per month will be used with regular output. Backorders are allowed, and they are charged at the rate of $8 per unit per month. Inventory holding costs are $1 per unit per month. Determine the cast of this plan if regular time cost is $2 per unit and beginning inventory is zero. Expected demand: 80,100,120,120,100,80.
b. What is disaggregation? What are the inputs and outputs for master production scheduling? Prepare a master schedule based on the following information: Week: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Forecast: 100,100,120,120,150,150,180,180. Customer orders: 106,94,65,40,21,9,2,0. Beginning inventory: 145: Schedule production whenever projected-on-hand drops below 20. Production lot size is 250 units.
2. What is MRP? What are the MRP inputs and outputs? Explain the MRP process and give a short example (make up your own data).
3. What are the main goals, supporting goals, and building blocks of JIT?
4. Talk about scheduling and give short examples of loading with the Hungarian method and sequencing with two priority rules and one performance measure (make up your own data).
What is the symbolism behind water
: What is the symbolism behind water? Also, state an example from a well known piece, novel, or work.
Analyze the leadership style of a contemporary leader
: Analyze the leadership style of a contemporary leader from one of Fortune Magazine's Top 100 Companies to Work for in 2016 in terms of their transformational, transactional, and charismatic leadership styles.
Single-issue movements
: Is Berry correct in his view that single-issue movements (such as soil conservation or clean water) inevitably fail? You will need to give some specific, documented examples of success or failure.
What medication do you feel should have mandatory disclosure
: What medication do you feel should have mandatory disclosure, which should be optional, and why? Finally, should behavior therapy be mandatory for any child taking a prescribed behavior modification drug?
What are the mrp inputs and outputs
: What is MRP? What are the MRP inputs and outputs? Explain the MRP process and give a short example (make up your own data). What are the main goals, supporting goals, and building blocks of JIT?
Lawsuit relating to its transactions with a counterparty
: Consider the following two events: (a) a bank loses $1 billion from an unexpected lawsuit relating to its transactions with a counterparty and (b) an insurance company loses $1 billion because of an unexpected hurricane in Texas.
Difference between a cult and a legitimate religion
: And finally, has technology and its constant tugs in our life prevented us from unplugging and experiencing solitude? What are the harms if any in this cultural phenomenon?
Question regarding the barriers of communications
: Define various theories of communication in simple words along with barriers of communications, which theory you think is more preferable and why?
Compose an opera of approximately one hour in length
: Please compose an opera of approximately one hour in length (four to five scenes, each with two or three musical numbers) by assembling existing music to form the narrative.