What are the more common pricing practices utilized

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM131744385

Managerial Economics Assignment: Industry and Company Analysis

All of your hard work and relentless efforts have paid off! Your company's main product or service is doing better than expected. In fact, you will be meeting next month with a group of investors and the company's Board of Directors to secure an infusion of $100 million in new capital to significantly expand operations. To prepare for your presentation, you need to conduct a thorough and honest evaluation of your company and its products or services.


Write a 7-9 page paper in which you address the following topics:

1. Describe your company and its major products or services from economic perspectives using terms and concepts learned in this course. Include such aspects as:

a. Market sector and industry
b. Market structure-pure competition, monopoly, monopsony, or oligopoly
c. Major products and/or services
d. Elasticity and the factors that affect their supply and demand
e. Other economic characteristics, such as utility, type of good, etc.
f. Noneconomic forces that impact sales and profitability, such as weather, business cycles, technology releases, or regulations.

2. Analyze your industry using Porter's "Five Forces" framework.

a. Classify each force as weak, strong, or neutral.
b. Why did you choose that classification?
c. How can your company best leverage this information?

3. Present information on pricing practices-basic and discriminatory.

a. What are the more common pricing practices utilized by your company and/or within its industry?
b. What types of discrimination options are not being used, but could be implemented?

4. Evaluate your company's macroeconomic drivers and both short-term and long-term economic outlooks.

a. Macroeconomic drivers-Using GUIDES, choose one indicator that poses the greatest external concern and one indicator that poses a reassurance. Explain why.

b. Given the above investigation into your company and its industry, what type of outlook (favorable/unfavorable) can your investors expect over the short-term (5-7 years) horizon? Explain why.

c. What type of outlook (favorable/unfavorable) can investors expect over the long-term (8+ years) horizon? Explain why.

Note: Refer to the course content and show that you have used online resources to gather both quantitative and qualitative information related to your company.


Your written assignment should follow these APA formatting requirements:

• Typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12) with one-inch margins on all sides.
• Include a Cover Page containing the assignment title, student's name, professor's name, course title, and date.
• Include a short Abstract - one to two paragraphs - summarizing the key points of your paper.
• Cite your References in a format appropriate for any business or academic setting.
• Utilize the Sample Outline provided below, or create one of your own that mirrors the grading Rubric's deliverables.
• Tables or graphs are encouraged as appropriate and can be embedded within the body of your paper or added in an Appendix after the References page.

Note: The Cover and References pages are not included in the required page length.

Structure of the Paper

After preparing the Cover page and writing the Abstract, you may use the Sample Outline provided on the page below, to guide you in structuring your paper.

Recommended Sample Outline

Use this Outline of section and subsection headings to organize the body of your paper.


Background and Products
Market Sector, Industry, and Structure Major Products or Services
Factors Impacting Supply & Demand Other Economic Characteristics
Non-Economic Forces Impacting Sales & Profitability

Porter's Five Forces
Strong Forces Weak Forces
Ways to Capitalize on These Forces

Pricing Practices
Existing Practices at Company & Industry Potential Practices Not Currently In Use

Economic Outlook
Macroeconomic Drivers Short-Term Outlook
Favorable Elements Unfavorable Elements
Long-Term Outlook Favorable Elements Unfavorable Elements


Reference no: EM131744385

Questions Cloud

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At least two good quotes from two different sources : provide at least two good quotes from two different sources and also provide links to your source material.
What are the more common pricing practices utilized : Why did you choose that classification? What are the more common pricing practices utilized by your company and/or within its industry?
Record the necessary adjusting journal entries : Sweeney & Allen, a large marketing firm, adjusts its accounts at the end of each month. The following information is available for the year ending December 31.
What are the considerations you kept in mind : What are the considerations you kept in mind when making this decision?
Develop swot analysis as well as grand strategy matrix : Develop a SWOT Analysis as well as a Grand Strategy Matrix (GSM) for four strategic quadrants for Carter's Inc. Be sure to properly label the matrices.
Discuss what kinds of guidance, support and training : What kinds of guidance, support, and training do you feel you need to become comfortable and capable in areas of working with families


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