What are the missions and goals of top 100 hospital

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Reference no: EM13932938 , Length:

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I have selected to do mine on Emory University Hospital, Atlanta GA

Please follow all directions and perimeters below: relevant citation to any externally referenced material, bibliography, title page and an executive summary are required.4 page of body text double spaced

Associated essential question and objective:

• What are the missions and goals of this Top 100 Hospital?

• Identify those standard management practices that are particularly relevant to its success


• Choose and evaluate a Top 100 Hospital (Emory University Hospital, Atlanta, Ga

• What are the missions and goals of this Top 100 Hospital?

• How is the organization structured? What is the corporate culture of the organization?

• What are the particular strengths of the organization that have allowed it to become a Top 100 Hospital? Perform a SWOT analysis on the organization. What challenges and opportunities does it face?

• What are the hospital's sources of funding? Is it a private (proprietary) or not-for-profit hospital?

• Is it a research or teaching hospital? Is the hospital currently participating in any clinical studies?

• Describe its management information systems. Does it have CPOE? Did the hospital also make the list of the Most Wired Hospitals?

• The paper must be in APA format with a minimum of 4 pages of body text, double-spaced with relevant citation to any externally-referenced material

• An additional page for the bibliography is required

• A title page and an executive summary are also required

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Reference no: EM13932938

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