Reference no: EM133179398
Choose 5 of the following 7 questions. Each answer should be typed, a single space and not exceed 1 page. Make sure you clearly identify which question you are answering by re-typing the question at the beginning. Each question is worth 5 points for a total of 25 points (see syllabus). Answers should reflect the material presented in the course textbook and class lecture notes. Provide examples whenever appropriate.
1. Define and discuss what are the mechanisms of cultural change. Provide examples.
2. What is ethnography and what are the techniques used in ethnographic research? Provide examples.
3. Define and discuss non-verbal communication. Provide examples.
4. Define and discuss socio-linguistics. Provide examples.
5. Choose one of the Adaptive Strategies (e.g., foraging, horticulture, agriculture, etc.). Define, discuss and provide examples of the correlates associated with it.
6. Define and discuss 'Rites of Passage'. Provide examples.
7. What is the meaning and nature of 'globalization'. Provide examples.