What are the mechanical properties of cold sprayed

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Reference no: EM133547432

1. Introduction

Background: porosity in cold spray (mechanical properties), the need for reducing porosity, heat treatment is one of the potential approach
Aim : identifying sintering temperature and pressure to obtain minimal porosity

2. Litearture review
Cold spray
Mechanical properties of cold sprayed deposits and the factor limiting them (i.e porosity)
Sintering (what is sintering; how it eliminates porosity). Effect of temperature, environment, pressure of porosity.

3. Methodology
Simulation using FactSage
Thermodynamics aspect of FactSage (Gibbs free energy, entalphy, entropy)
Simulation set-yp (weight, activity, etc)

Predictive model

Material characterisation (microstructure, hardness, porosity)

4. Result ans discussion

Graph (Weight % vs temperature, legend pressure) Predictive (neural network)

5. Conclusions

Sintering Simulation And Experiments On Cold-Sprayed Al6061 Deposits

1. Introduction

• Introduction regarding porosity and what is porosity in cold spray additive manufacturing
• how does it occur, what are the effects of porosity on the mechanical properties of cold sprayed as a deposit?
• What is the need forreducingporosity
• To reduce the porosity heat treatment is one of the potential approaches
• The heat treatment process is called sintering

Aim of the project: in this project, we are going to identify sintering temperature(heat treating temperature ) and pressure to obtain minimal porosity( which means we are going to find the appropriate temperature and pressure conditions through simulation using (FACTSAGE software) to reduce the porosity which is in the cold sprayed AL6061 deposit

2. Literature review

What is Cold spray? additive manufacturing technique

What are the Mechanical properties of cold sprayed deposits and the factor limiting them (i.e. porosity)

What is meant by Sintering (what is sintering; how it eliminates porosity)?

What are the Effects of temperature, environment, and pressure on porosity?

About AL6061 material
What is Al6061
What are the properties of the Al6061 when sprayed through a cold spray additive manufacturing
What are the mechanical properties of al6061 when dep-deposit?

3. Methodology
What is factsage software, how we can find the solutions using factsage
Simulation using FactSage

What are the Thermodynamics aspect of FactSage (Gibbs free energy, entalphy, entropy)

What is Simulation set-yp (weight, activity, etc)

Predictive model

• Material characterization (microstructure, hardness, porosity)

4. Result and discussion
Graph (Weight % vs temperature, legend pressure)
Predictive (neural network)

5. Conclusions

Referencing style is Harvard referencing style

Reference no: EM133547432

Questions Cloud

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