What are the measures that operational leadership

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Reference no: EM133689744


Jim is a financial analyst at his organization and his primary role is to ensure that the Cardiology service line and the Transplant service line stay within its operational budget for the fiscal year. Today, he is meeting with the operational leadership of his organization's cardiology service line. He let them know that they are currently over budget for the year, mainly due to staffing and over utilization of supplies.

  • Educate operational leadership on why it is important to the overall bottom line of the organization to contain these costs and the challenges that come with doing so.
  • What are the measures that operational leadership can take to help manage these operational costs across its service line. What best practices are out there that they can learn from and implement?

Reference no: EM133689744

Questions Cloud

About her mother mental functioning : Alzheimer's Disease Sally is 35. She is concerned about her mother's mental functioning. Is this a typical presentation for Alzheimer's Disease?
What is the value for the top right cell : PHE 450- If the value for the top-right cell is 0.20, what is the value for the bottom right cell? What is the value for the top right cell?
What causes aids : What causes AIDS? In what category is the causative agent? (Identify One: Virus, Fungus, Bacterium, Protozoan, Algae, Animal)
Sunrise assisted living and continuing care facility : Mrs. Lopez Mrs. Lopez is an 87-year-old resident at the Sunrise Assisted Living and Continuing Care facility.
What are the measures that operational leadership : What are the measures that operational leadership can take to help manage these operational costs across its service line.
Write a comparative analysis of your own culture of origin : BUSM 7065 Managing in the Global Context, Western Sydney University - write a comparative analysis of your own culture of origin and any other culture
Concerned about her mother mental functioning : Sally is 35. She is concerned about her mother's mental functioning. Her mother is 59 and has started to lose her memory.
Treat depressive symptoms : You and the patient decide to initiate an MAOI to treat depressive symptoms. How would you instruct the patient to make this change?
Utilized in continuously changing field healthcare : In the health system Shewhart 's Plan-DO-Check-Act is a user-friendly system that has the capability to be utilized in continuously changing field healthcare.


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