What are the major liabilities of jb hi-fi limited

Assignment Help Accounting Basics
Reference no: EM131668780

Part A

Refer to the consolidated financial statements and notes in the 2013 financial report of JB Hi-Fi Limited on its website, answer the following questions:

1. Have the current liabilities of JB Hi-Fi Limited increased or decreased over the year? By how much? What classes of liabilities are recorded under the classification "Current Liabilities"?

2. What are the major liabilities of JB Hi-Fi Limited at the end of the financial year?

3. What items are included under the heading ‘Provisions' in the ‘Current Liabilities' section of the statement of financial position (balance sheet)? Explain the nature of these items. Do these satisfy the definition of provisions as contained in IAS37/AASB137? By how much have liabilitiesfor employee benefits increased over the year?

4. How much cash has been raised by interest-bearing loans in the most recent financial year? How much of such loans has been repaid? How do these amounts compare with the previous year?

5. Determine whether any of the non-current liabilities are secured.

6. How much of the non-current borrowings are due to be repaid within 2 years? Between 2 years and 5 years? Beyond 5 years?

7. Are there any non-current provisions? If so, what, in very general terms, do these represent?

Part B

Refer to the 2013annual report of Country Road Limited on its website, countryroad (or google ‘annual report 2013 country road'), and answer the following questions using the consolidated income statement and balance sheet/ statement of financial position and notes to the consolidated financial statements.

1. The Country Road Limited income statement shows a deduction (in brackets) for income tax expense. Would this expense item be seen in the income statement of a partnership? Explain your answer.

2. In the statement of changes in equity regarding retained earnings, how is the total profit avail¬able appropriated? How does the allocation of the total profit available for appropriation in a partnership differ from that shown for Country Road Limited? Explain the reasons for any differences.

3. Refer to the balance sheet (statement of financial position) of Country Road Limited and the note titled ‘issued capital'. How do these differ from that of a typical partnership? Explain.

4. Country Road Limited is required to produce a statement of cash flows (cash flow statement) and include this in its annual financial statements. Would the typical partnership be required to prepare such a statement? Why or why not? Would a typical partnership prepare such a statement? Explain.

Verified Expert

The paper is in relation to the analysis of the financial statements of JB Hifi Limited and Country Road Limited. The analysis of JB Hifi Limited basically involves ascertaining its liabilities, provisions, interest bearing securities, etc and the analysis of the Country Road Limited included comparison of the presentation of the annual report of the company with that of a partnership and the analysis of the reason for the difference in the presentation.

Reference no: EM131668780

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