Reference no: EM131251500
Course: Organizational Behavior
TextBook: McShane & Von Glinow, M (2015) Organizational Behavior -Emerging Knowledge, Global Reality (7thed) New York City NY: McGraw-Hill
Exam responses should be written in essay form, no bullet points please. Each exam question response should be at least ½ page in length, double spaced, and formatted in MS Word. Use additional source as needed to support your answers. The exam will be evaluated based on depth, accuracy, and the extent to which the exam goes beyond simply reiterating information in the book.
1. What are the common gender differences observed in communication?
2. Briefly describe the various stages in team development.
3. Identify three potential constraints of team-based decision making and creativity.
4. Emotional contagion receives relatively little attention in organizational behavior literature (as it is mostly studied by psychologists), yet it is an important part of social interaction in the workplace. Define emotional contagion and identify two benefits of this phenomenon.
5. Explain the "dark side" of social networks.
6. Distinguish between constructive conflicts and relationship conflicts. Provide examples to support each.
7. Are women less effective than men in leadership positions, why or why not? What challenges and opportunities does gender present in leadership situations?
8. Identify what kinds of environments that mechanistic and organic organizational structures are best for, and explain why.
9. Identify and briefly explain the strategies for changing and strengthening organizational culture.
10. What are the major advantages of using a pilot project?