Reference no: EM131451534
This assignment will allow you to read and write about an academic journal article that uses an analysis technique you learn about in this class. You will complete Only One From the Source assignment.
There are two paths you can take in finding an academic journal article:
1. Find the article that interests you first, then choose the appropriate week (based at the analysis technique in you selected article) This is probably the easier path to take Review the From the Source Assignment Instructions - Journal Article Guidelines below to help guide your search.
For example you might search "alcohol use adolescence." When you find a paper you like, simply see how the data was analyzed and sign up for the appropriate week.
2. Select the week in which you want to complete the assignment, and then look for an article that uses that analysis technique. When searching for an aide the way, it is repeal to choose search terms wisely. If you search for an article based only on analysis technique, you well likely find very technical ankles that most normal people don't want to read:). It is best to pair up a general topic and analysis technique.
- For example, if you search for ANOVA in Google scholar, you will an article such as "The hat matrix in regression and ANOVA." Probably not your passion.
- If you search for Alcohol use and ANOVA, however, you will find articles such as "Alcohol use and related consequences among students with varying levels of involvement in college athletics."
From the Source Assignment Instructions -
Your assignment consists of answering the following questions in question-answer format (i.e., your assignment document will include numbered QUESTIONS and ANSWERS). Please write the questions and answers in a .doc or .pdf document.
Once complete, you will click the submission link at the bottom of the Week page for which the assignment is due. The submission link will become available once the week you signed up for becomes available.
1. Provide an APA 6 style reference of the article you have selected (including double spaced, hanging indent).
2. What problem(s) or question(s) does this research address?
3. What is the overall hypothesis for this study?
4. What are the main variables of interest in this research?
5. Are any variables simply used as control variables? If so, which ones?
6. Briefly describe how the main variables in the study are defined and operationalized. Learn about operationalization at
7. For each variable described in question 6, describe what values each variable could take on (ex. Gender was measured as: male/female, Happiness was measured on a scale of 1 - 10 where 10 = most happy, etc.).
8. For each variable described in question 6, indicate the level of measurement. Choose from (1) Nominal, (2) Ordinal, (3) Interval/Ratio. See for a refresher on levels of measurement.
9. What is the population of interest (this is different from the sample!!!)?
10. Describe the make-up of the sample (age, ethnicity, gender, etc.).
11. What kind of sampling appears to have been used - probability or nonprobability sampling? See for help.
12. What specific type of sampling was used? Choose from: Convenience/Voluntary Sample, Simple Random Sample, Cluster Sample, Stratified Sample, or Systematic Selection. For help, see your textbook page 202,, and
13. Briefly describe the methods used to conduct this study.
14. Describe how the data was analyzed. What technique(s) was/were used (briefly list all analysis methods used)
15. Now focus on the statistical method and the resulting statistics in the article that correspond to the analysis method/topic you signed up for. What steps did the author(s) take in analyzing the data? As you describe data analysis, try to show me that you have a basic understanding of these methods (having read about them in the textbook and your selected article).
16. Describe the main findings of this research.
17. Let's look at how the author(s) presented ONE sample finding from the article (this should relate to the statistical method/topic you signed up for). You will do this by providing the two quotes described below. Ultimately, you are trying to find a sample that could help other students learn how to present and interpret the selected statistic/topic in an academic article. Use quotation marks followed by APA 6 in-text citations, with author, year, and page number, to properly indicate the source of these words. See "Short Quotations" at for help with APA formatting of quotes.
A. Provide me with a quote that shows how the author(s) reported the statistic of focus. This quote should include a specific statistical value, and will likely also include values such as df and p. THIS QUOTE WILL COME FROM THE RESULTS SECTION OF THE PAPER and will likely consist of only 1 or 2 sentences.
B. Provide me with a quote that shows how the author interpreted the same statistic in a real-world way (likely, no specific statistical value is included in this quote). THIS QUOTE WILL COME FROM THE DISCUSSION OR CONCLUSION SECTION OF THE PAPER and will likely consist of 2 to 3 sentences.
How did the results compare with the original hypothesis? Your response should be more than "the hypothesis was confirmed/not confirmed". Describe which hypotheses were and were not confirmed and what that means.
Do you have any other thoughts you would like to share related to this activity?
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