Reference no: EM131463464
CASE STUDY - Corporate Social Responsibility and Strategy in the Aerospace Industry: The Case of CSeries at Bombardier (Marconatto, D.A. & Barin Cruz, L., 2016)
Based only on the information presented in the case:
1. How can you relate the CSeries at Bombardier case to the Friedman vs. Freeman debate (e.g. corporate social responsibility, externalities, shared value)?
2. What are the main stakeholder groups presented in the case? Analyze and compare the distinct perspectives and interests of stakeholders.
3. Analyze Bombardier Aerospace's community engagement strategies (Bowen et al., 2010) and discuss the level of citizen participation (Arnstein, 1969) in the firm's activities.
4. How can organizational learning (Tilbury, 2007) and the sustainability balanced scorecard (Figge et al., 2002) be used by Bombardier in support of a strategy of responsible corporate citizenship?
5. If you were Kent McDonald, general manager of the Bombardier Aerospace CSR team, would you "consider the next PCR as an opportunity to establish collaboration among the main players in the industry around environmental responsibility" (p. 8)? Now, please read this newspaper article from the Toronto Star.
6. Does the additional information contained in this recent newspaper article change your analyses (questions 1 to 5); and If so, how?
Case Study -