What are the main points that the report identifies

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13176737

You are required to read the provided report called "Governance, Risk & Compliance" issued jointly by ICAA (Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia) and KPMG.

Other sources you should consider:
AUASB website
CPAA website
ASX website


Discuss the following in your essay (approximately 1,000 words and no more than 1,500 please):

a) What are the main points that the report identifies and why do you think this is so?

b) How do you think this report would benefit business entities, what type of entities and why?

c) What do you think prompted ICAA & KPMG to produce this report and how do you think this will benefit business entities, their boards (including the audit committees)

The due date for this assignment will be week 5 (must be lodged by 5.00pm on the Friday). Please note: a soft copy must be lodged on Safeassign by the due date and a hard copy provided to your lecturer.

NOTE: This essay must be properly referenced and whilst there will not be a limit set on using available information within your report, it is expected that much of this will be from your own understanding and effort. Please do not copy (plagiarise) or just change some words. Marks will be considered for research effort (relevant).

Reference no: EM13176737

Questions Cloud

Analyze the accounting for corporation requirements : Analyze the accounting for corporation requirements related to stock valuation, dividends, and retained earnings and determine how to value investments and how to report them based on that valuation.
State the nonoxidative decarboxylation of oxalosuccinate : given that Go = 5.02 kcal/mol for the complete reaction catalyzed by isocitrate dehydrogenase and that Go = 4.71 kcal/mol for the nonoxidative decarboxylation of oxalosuccinate, oxalosuccinate + H+ ----> CO2 + a-ketoglutartate.
Indicate dollar amounts to be reported as current liability : Frederic Chopin Corporation is preparing its December 31, 2008, balance sheet. The following items may be reported as either a current or long-term liability.
Whether price is elastic or inelastic : 2.The demand for a luxury good whose purchase would exhaust a big portion of one's income is: a.perfectly price inelastic b.perfectly price elastic c.relatively price inelastic d. relatively price elastic
What are the main points that the report identifies : What are the main points that the report identifies and why do you think this is so and how do you think this report would benefit business entities, what type of entities and why?
How much money to withdraw : If he deposits %5000 each year, how much will his daughter be able to withdraw each year starting in year 18 and continuing through year 22? Assume the account earns interest at 8% a year.
Explain rational business price and production decisions : Evaluate the result in (2) from perspectives of efficiency and equity drawing upon price/cost margins for your explanation. You may want to also consider issues involving the stability of collusive cartels.Then tell us what that means for rational ..
Determine the lost social welfare : Consider a market where supply and demand are given by QXS = -14 + PX and QXd = 91 - 2PX. Suppose the government imposes a price floor of $42, and agrees to purchase any and all units consumers do not buy at the floor price of $42 per unit.
Determine balances of accounts affected by adjusting entries : Journalize the adjusting entries. Add additional accounts as needed and determine the balances of the accounts affected by the adjusting entries, and prepare an adjusted trialbalance.


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