What are the main points and arguments of the author

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132229340

Your task is to offer a detailed critique of a peer-reviewed article, which you can locate in the CSU Online Library. The article must be related to international marketing. In your critique, address the following questions: What are the main points and arguments of the author(s)? What is your opinion of the article? How can the points and arguments of the author(s) be applied to the lesson in this unit? (Some examples include the marketing mix, marketing orientation, and organizational structure.) The critique should be a minimum of two pages in length in APA style; however, a title page, a running head, and an abstract are not required. Be sure to cite and reference all quoted or paraphrased material appropriately in APA style.

Reference no: EM132229340

Questions Cloud

Vacuum tube plate voltage : How did they manage to get up to 200 V from a 12V car battery needed for the vacuum tube plate voltage?
What is the binary number for decimal number 100 : What is the binary number for decimal number 100? all binary number for decimal number 100
Primary causes and consequences of these problems : What do you see as the primary causes and consequences of these problems? What can a firm do to reduce the occurrence of such problems?
Protocols necessary for network communications : Although this suite is commonly known as TCP/IP, these are only two of the many protocols necessary for network communications.
What are the main points and arguments of the author : What are the main points and arguments of the author(s)? What is your opinion of the article?
Scale which is different than the one found in text : Provide an example of such a scale which is different than the one found in the text. Include in your answer why you selected or created this particular example
What role does culture play in international expansion : What role does culture play in international expansion by a corporation? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary
Mobile device ever been infected with a virus : Has your computer or mobile device ever been infected with a virus? If so, what steps were taken to remove the virus?
When might a business decide not to have a web presence : What conditions might cause a business to avoid a web presence, and what changes might cause the business to reconsider?


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