What are the main obstacles yunus encountered

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131047893 , Length: 1600 Words


Yunus, facing many of the issues raised in the Adas reading, sought to use his training and expertise to improve conditions in his homeland (Bangladesh). What are the main obstacles Yunus encountered in Bangladesh when trying to figure out how to identify very poor and set up the Grameen model AND what were the main ways he demonstrates his leadership ability in overcoming those same obstacles?

Keep in mind the following for best results:

Explain each obstacle in detail in a full paragraph & do the same for the solutions. Given the space limitations you must choose only a few obstacles to discuss.

Be sure they deal with 1) conditions Yunus encountered once he started investigating the poor and 2) various points along his path toward Grameen's establishment and operation.

Summarizing the reading on a particular obstacle or solution is not the same as making a case (an argument) for that obstacle/solution being one of the most important - that is your goal here.

Each paragraph should have an analytical point (stated at the beginning) that helps you to define the obstacle/solution and its complexities rather than merely summarize what transpired during that time period.

Multiple sources (Yunus, Adas) should be used over the two parts of the paper for each obstacle/solution and within paragraphs to help base your case on a broad base of evidence.

Quotes are necessary as evidence for your case, but they must not be left to speak for themselves - they must be incorporated into your argument.

Verified Expert

Mohammed Yunus inspiring economist and entrepreneur envisioned a dream and made it success through Grameen bank. His unique leadership and uncompromising commitment are essentially inspiring for any one. The current discussion is a reflection of the challenges he faced in his struggle to achieve the dream.

Reference no: EM131047893

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