What are the main data preprocessing steps

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM133091159

Data Mining

Case Study Discussions: Please read the relevant case study and answer the questions at the end of the case study

Portfolio Questions

1. What is Data Mining, and what is a data warehouse?

2. What are the main data preprocessing steps? Briefly describe each step and provide relevant examples.

3. What do you think is the most prominent application area for data mining? Why?

4. Discuss the difference between categorical and numerical data.

5. What are the key differences between the major data mining methods? Explain the appropriateness of their adaptability?

6. Give examples of situations in which classification would be an appropriate data mining technique. Give examples of situations in which regression would be an appropriate data mining technique.

7. Briefly discuss the various stages of the CRISP-DM process

8. Briefly discuss the various stages of the SEMMA process

Reference no: EM133091159

Questions Cloud

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Compute the project net present value : All of the above items, except for depreciation of $30,000 a year, represent cash flows. Compute the project net present value
What are the main data preprocessing steps : What are the main data preprocessing steps? Briefly describe each step and provide relevant examples and What is Data Mining, and what is a data warehouse
Produce an entity relationship diagram : How you arrived at the cardinality/participation for those not mentioned or clear in the business description, etc
What isms and structures shape specific single story : What "isms" and structures shape a specific single story about an identity category? How do "isms" and structures make single stories difficult to change?
Determine the cost for preferred stock : Determine the cost for preferred stock that pays an annual dividend of 1.75, has current stock price of 23.20, and incurs flotation cost of 1.06 per share
Determine the rent for the building : Jim Bingham is considering starting a small catering business. Determine the Rent for the building


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