Reference no: EM133655807
Answer the following questions:
1. What are communication, information, and mass and new media?
2. How do economics, government and politics, and technology shape the media and their contents?
3. What are the main criticisms directed at the media industry?
4. What are the types of mass media?
5. Where do you get most of your information? How do you think the type of media you consume affects the kind of information you get?
6. How does the need to attract a large audience for advertisements influence media content?
7. What is objectivity?
8. How do people in public life try to influence their depictions by and in the media?
9. What are three common ways journalists cover people in public life?
10. What makes something news? How do journalists decide what to report as news?
11. Why was the close-up photograph of the statue of Saddam Hussein being pulled down so much more widely used in the media than the wide-angle shot? How does the need to tell an interesting story affect how the news gets reported?
12. What factors determine how journalists cover politics? When is their coverage of politicians more likely to be favorable, and when is it more likely to be critical?
13. What are the leading conservative and liberal cable news channels?
14. What are the four leading influences of the media on politics and government?
15. What is the value of having opinion and commentary in the media? Do you think it makes it easier or harder for people to develop their own opinions about politics?
16. How do media set the political agenda by choosing what issues to focus on? What do you think the media treat as the most important political issues right now?
17. How can humor be used to influence public opinion? Why might satire be more effective than straight opinion in making political points? Do people like Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon, and the cast of Saturday Night Live influence our decisions?
18. What are the four ways the new media are changing the relationship between communication on the one hand and government and politics on the other?
19. What limits the ability of the new media to improve citizen education and enhance public life?
20. What is the political potential of the new media?
21. How do new media make it difficult for governments to keep secrets? What effect do you think that will have on politics?