What are the main benefits of filing design records

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Reference no: EM133600403

Prepare detailed design of civil concrete structures

Question 1: What are the main sources of work instructions?

Question 2: List down the main steps involved to obtain and interpret work requirements.

Question 3: Discuss the six essential phases of an incident response plan.

Question 4: What are the main WHS advantages for your workplace?

Question 5: What is a design plan?

Question 6: What are three main types of mechanical stress?

Question 7: What are the main steps involved to summarise the requirements of a design plan?

Question 8: List down the most common methods used in the preparation of estimates.

Question 9: List the main principles and techniques for leading and coordinating teams.

Question 10: How can you gain design approval from required authorities?

Question 11: What are the main benefits of filing design records?

Question 12: Prepare a list of key performance review techniques.

Question 13: What are project closeouts?

Question 14: Explain the importance of clarifying the scope of work.

Question 15: What is the main purpose of design validation technique?

Class Activities:

Activity 1: Concrete is a composite material composed of fine and coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement that hardens over time. As a warm-up, write down the key things that comes to your mind when you think of preparing detailed design of civil concrete structures in a civil construction project.

Activity 2:
On your own, or with a partner, take another look at the list above. Rank each point in order of importance to you. Then, (if you are working with another person), compare your results with your partner. If you are working alone, use the space below to make some reflections on your list.
Points for reflection:
Which aspect of preparing detailed design of civil concrete structures is the most important to you? Why?
Which is the least important? Why?
Do you think that different aspects may be more or less important to you and to others at different points of the lifespan? Why do you think people's priorities may change at different points in time?

Activity 3: In this activity, you are required to create a PowerPoint presentation explaining the procedure to complete design cost and reporting requirements and deliver to required stakeholders.


Assessment task 1 -

Question 1: Identify any five (5) legislation required to prepare detailed design of civil concrete structures.

Question 2: Answer the following questions:
2.1 Discuss the Australian and other relevant Standards related detailed design of civil concrete structures. Write your answer using 60-90 words.
2.2 What is the importance of cultural and heritage management in designing civil concrete structures? Write your answer in 50-100 words.
2.3 Explain the processes for design approvals and reviews of designs for civil concrete structures using 100-150 words.
2.4 What are the responsibilities of a construction manager in the implementation of environmental management plan (EMP) on a civil construction project? Write your answer in 50-100 words.
2.5 Identify three (3) environment management requirements related to design of civil concrete structures.
2.6 What is the importance of hydrological and meteorological management during the construction of civil concrete structures? Write your answer in 100-150 words.
2.7 Explain the purpose of performance reviews in the design of civil concrete
structures in 50-100 words.
2.8. What is quality management? Write your answer in 50-100 words.
2.9 Discuss the construction reporting requirement using 50-100 words.
2.10. Discuss the equipment safety requirements using 50-100 words.
2.11 What is the procedure for system close outs? Write your answer in 50-100 words.
2.12 Explain the workplace safety health and safety responsibilities of employee using 50-100 words.
2.13 Explain workplace recording and reporting procedures using 70-100 words.
2.14 What is the importance of geotechnical management related to design and construction of civil concrete structures design and construction? Write your answer in 40-60 words.
2.15. Explain the importance of risk assessment and management in the design of civil concrete structures using 70-100 words.
2.16. What is statutory compliance? Write your answer using 70-100 words.
2.17. Discuss the purpose of emergency response procedures using 80-100 words.
2.18. How should you respond to workplace injuries in the workplace? Write your answer using 30-50 words.

Question 3: Write the characteristics, technical capabilities, and limitations of types of materials, plant and equipment required for civil concrete structures design and construction.

Question 4: Answer the following question related to principles and techniques for preparing a detailed design of civil concrete structures:

4.1. Explain the techniques for evaluating potential site hazards, constraints and conditions using 100-150 words.
4.2. Explain the techniques for identifying and evaluating design options. Write the answer in 60-90 words.
4.3. Explain the data analysis techniques, including calculating the key information listed in the table.
Data analysis techniques
Shear forces
Bending moments
Sizes of components for civil concrete structures
Geometric requirements for civil concrete structures
Surfacing requirements for civil concrete structures

4.4. Discuss the following cost estimation techniques for the detailed design of the foundation.
a) Expert judgment method
b) Analogous Estimating Method
4.5.What are the requirements of a design plan for civil concrete structures? Write the answer in 40-60 words
4.6. Explain the design review and validation techniques using 100-150 words.
4.7. Explain three (3) performance review techniques that can be used to analyse the performance of self and team members. Write the answer in 100-150 words
4.8. Explain techniques for using software and technology to present designs? Write the answer in 100-150 words.
4.9. What are the techniques used for advising on design implementation? Write the answer in 50-70 words

Question 5: Answer the following questions:
5.1. What techniques are commonly used on a worksite for coordinating and communicating job requirements? Identify any four (4).

5.2. How do you coordinate with colleagues while coordinating and communicating job activities? Write your answer using 50-70 words.

Assessment Task 2: Skill Test

This assessment task requires the student to prepare detailed designs of civil concrete structure in civil construction, including evaluating design options, preparing and finalising designs and advising on design implementation. This includes:
• Carrying out risk assessments
• Evaluating design options for civil concrete structure
• Interpreting and analysing data, including calculating:
o loads
o shear forces
o bending moments
o stresses
o areas
o volumes
o mass
o sizes of components for civil concrete structures
• Preparing design plans for civil concrete structure
• Selecting civil concrete structure joint and fastening options
• Preparing cost estimates
• Obtaining design approval
• Participating in performance reviews of design processes
• Providing clarification and advice to personnel implementing the design
• Maintaining design and cost records
• Validating designs.
To do so, you will be required to complete the following activities:
• Activity 1: Plan detailed design of civil concrete structure
• Activity 2: Carry out detailed design of civil concrete structure
• Activity 3: Finalise design processes for civil concrete structure
• Activity 4: Support and review design implementation of civil concrete structure

Activity 1: Plan detailed design of civil concrete structure
This activity requires you to plan the detailed design of civil concrete structure.
To complete this activity, you are required to:
• Complete the steps given in ‘Checklist 1' provided.
• Complete any template/s associated with each step, if any.
• Submit the required documentation as discussed in the steps to the trainer/assessor or supervisor.
While completing each step, you must place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist.
Your trainer/assessor (Supervisor) will observe you performing this activity and complete the observation report after the completion of the activity.

Step 1: Access, interpret and apply documentation required for detailed civil concrete structure designs and confirm work activity is compliant.

• Access the following road design documentation:
o Plans
o Drawings
o Specifications
o Design briefs
o Engineering surveys
o Geotechnical information
o Hydrological, meteorological, cultural and heritage data
o Selection data for civil concrete structure options
• Interpret and analyse the following data and record using Template 1.
o loads
o shear forces
o bending moments
o stresses
o areas
o volumes
o mass
o sizes of components for civil concrete structures
• Consult with the Supervisor and team members and ensure the work activity is compliant.

Step 2: Obtain, read, interpret, clarify and confirm work requirements.

• Consult your supervisor and obtain work requirements for the design of civil concrete structure.
• Read the work requirements.
• Consult relevant authorities and interpret work requirements.
• Clarify and confirm project work requirements and information with relevant authorities.

Step 3: Prepare a design plan using Template 2, which makes the best use of the available resources and meets the design requirements. Include the following information in the design plan:
• Human resource requirements
• Design hardware and software
• Coordination requirements
• Scheduling
• Review requirements
• Design process communication and reporting requirements

Activity 2: Prepare detailed designs of civil concrete structure
This activity requires you to prepare a detailed design of civil concrete structure.
To complete this activity, you are required to:
• Complete the steps given in ‘Checklist 2' provided.
• Complete any template/s associated with each step, if any.
• Submit the required documentation as discussed in the steps to the trainer/assessor or supervisor.
While completing each step, you must place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist.
Your trainer/assessor (Supervisor) will observe you performing this activity and complete the observation report after the completion of the activity. 

Step 1: Gather, interpret, and analyse required data and identify civil concrete structure design options based on job requirements.

• Calculate and analyse the following aspects of the design for civil concrete structure:
o loads
o shear forces
o bending moments
o stresses
o areas
o volumes
o mass
o sizes of components for civil concrete structures
• Analyse the design options for civil concrete structure
Further, based on the above-given analysis of data, you are then required to prepare a report using Template 3 to the management that includes the following:
• Two (2) viable options for the design of civil concrete structure.
• Provide a recommendation on the preferred option and provide a reason for the selection of the preferred option.

Step 2: Complete the detailed design of the civil concrete structure using computer-aided drafting design (CADD) and drafting technology.

• Access computer-aided drafting design (CADD) technology such as AutoCAD to complete the design of civil concrete structure.
• Take into consideration the data analysed and recommendations provided in Step 1.
• Submit the finalised design to your supervisor.

Step 3: Prepare a cost estimate for executing the designed civil concrete structure using Template 4. Include the following information:
• Fixed costs: This includes the cost of purchasing equipment, material and plants.
• Time-related cost: This includes the cost of wages, equipment, and building rents spent on a particular activity in a given duration.
• Quantity proportional cost: It includes the cost of the quantity of material. It is of two types such as:
o Direct costs of construction of civil concrete structure: The costs and expenses accrued on a facility, capacity or item are known as direct costs. The expenses caused by workers, materials and equipment, etcetera, are the direct costs of construction projects.
o Indirect costs of construction of civil concrete structure: These are not directly accounted for on a particular facility, product or function. These are either variable or fixed.
• The construction cost of civil concrete structure.

Step 4: Participate in the review of the design of civil concrete structure with the required stakeholders.

Step 5: Carry out a risk assessment of the following:
• the existing conditions
• the application of the design
• maintainability of the completed works
Determine three (3) risks, calculate their risk rating and determine risk controls for each risk identified.

Step 6: Complete a design report for the design of the civil concrete structure based on the outcomes of Step 1 - Step 5 using Template 4.Include the following information:
• Cover page, including the following information:
o Project Name
o Design Report
o Report Status (Draft / Final)
o Local Authority Name (and Number)
o Project Number and Contract Number (if relevant)
o Date (Month / Year)
• Table of content
• Body of the report
o Outcomes of risk assessment, including:
» Risks identified.
» Risk likelihood, consequence and rating
» Risk controls
o Evaluation of design options for civil concrete structure
o Calculations for:
» loads
» shear forces
» bending moments
» stresses
» areas
» volumes
» mass
» sizes of components for civil concrete structures
o Design plans for civil concrete structure
o Civil concrete structure joint and fastening options
o Cost estimates
o Recommended sizing of components
o Recommended concrete strengths
o Recommended reinforcement sizing and location

Step 7: Communicate and coordinate with personnel involved in the design process according to workplace requirements and within the scope of their role.
• Conduct regular meetings to measure the progress of each workgroup involved in the design process.
• Submit the meeting minutes to the trainer/assessor.

Step 8: Gain design approval from a higher authority.
• Submit the design approved to the trainer/assessor.

Activity 3: Finalise design processes for civil concrete structure


Step 1: Confirm design records are filed according to workplace requirements.

• Submit the filed design records to the trainer/assessor.

Step 2: Complete and submit design cost and other reporting.

• Submit cost and other reporting to the trainer/assessor.

Step 3: Participate in a performance review of the design process according to workplace requirements.
• Determine the effectiveness of design processes implemented and document using Template 6.
• Recommend any changes required to the Supervisor and gather feedback and document using Template 6.

Step 4: Seek client feedback and contribute to verifying the design.
• Consult clients and seek feedback on design.
• Verify the design and make any recommended changes.
• Submit the revised design if any changes are made.

Step 5: Close out systems according to workplace requirements.

Activity 4: Support and review design implementation of civil concrete structure

Step 1: Provide clarification and advice to personnel implementing design as required to meet job requirements.

• Provide clarification and advice on the flowing to the personnel or authorities applying the design. Discuss and clarify the following with them:
o Design characteristics
o Key areas of consideration
o Outcomes of design reports

Step 2: Validate designs.
• Evaluate the design implementation and recommend changes as required to meet job requirements.
• Further, record the following based on design validation using Template 7.
o Assessment of design implementation
o Recommended changes

Assessment Task 3: Work placement task

This assessment task requires the student to prepare detailed designs of civil concrete structure, including evaluating design options, preparing and finalising designs and advising on design implementation. This includes:
• Carrying out risk assessments
• Evaluating design options for civil concrete structure
• Interpreting and analysing data, including calculating:
o loads
o shear forces
o bending moments
o stresses
o areas
o volumes
o mass
o sizes of components for civil concrete structures
• Preparing design plans for civil concrete structure
• Selecting civil concrete structure joint and fastening options
• Preparing cost estimates
• Obtaining design approval
• Participating in performance reviews of design processes
• Providing clarification and advice to personnel implementing the design
• Maintaining design and cost records
• Validating designs.
To do so, you will be required to complete the following activities:
• Activity 1: Plan detailed design of civil concrete structure
• Activity 2: Carry out detailed design of civil concrete structure
• Activity 3: Finalise design processes for civil concrete structure
• Activity 4: Support and review design implementation of civil concrete structure


This assessment task requires the student to prepare detailed designs of civil concrete structure in civil construction, including evaluating design options, preparing and finalising designs and advising on design implementation. This includes:
• Carrying out risk assessments
• Evaluating design options for civil concrete structure
• Interpreting and analysing data, including calculating:
o loads
o shear forces
o bending moments
o stresses
o areas
o volumes
o mass
o sizes of components for civil concrete structures
• Preparing design plans for civil concrete structure
• Selecting civil concrete structure joint and fastening options
• Preparing cost estimates
• Obtaining design approval
• Participating in performance reviews of design processes
• Providing clarification and advice to personnel implementing the design
• Maintaining design and cost records
• Validating designs.

To do so, you will be required to complete the following activities:
• Activity 1: Plan detailed design of civil concrete structure
• Activity 2: Carry out detailed design of civil concrete structure
• Activity 3: Finalise design processes for civil concrete structure
• Activity 4: Support and review design implementation of civil concrete structure

Activity 1: Plan detailed design of civil concrete structure
This activity requires you to plandetailed design of civil concrete structure.
To complete this activity, you are required to:
• Complete the steps given in the ‘Checklist 1' provided.
• Complete any template/s associated with each step, if any.
• Submit the required documentation as discussed in the steps to the trainer/assessor or supervisor.
While completing each step, you must place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist once completed.

Step 1: Access, interpret and apply documentation required for detailed civil concrete structure designs and confirm work activity is compliant.

• Access the following road design documentation:
o Plans
o Drawings
o Specifications
o Design briefs
o Engineering surveys
o Geotechnical information
o Hydrological, meteorological, cultural and heritage data
o Selection data for civil concrete structure options
• Interpret and analyse the following data and record using Template 1.
o loads
o shear forces
o bending moments
o stresses
o areas
o volumes
o mass
o sizes of components for civil concrete structures
• Consult with the Supervisor and team members and ensure the work activity is compliant.

Step 2: Obtain, read, interpret, clarify and confirm work requirements.

• Consult your supervisor and obtain work requirements for the design of civil concrete structure.
• Read the work requirements.
• Consult relevant authorities and interpret work requirements.
• Clarify and confirm project work requirements and information with relevant authorities.

Step 3: Prepare a design plan using Template 2, which makes the best use of the available resources and meets the design requirements. Include the following information in the design plan:
• Human resource requirements
• Design hardware and software
• Coordination requirements
• Scheduling
• Review requirements
• Design process communication and reporting requirements

Activity 2: Prepare detailed designs of civil concrete structure

Step 1: Gather, interpret, and analyse required data and identify civil concrete structure design options based on job requirements.

• Calculate and analyse the following aspects of the design for civil concrete structure:
o loads
o shear forces
o bending moments
o stresses
o areas
o volumes
o mass
o sizes of components for civil concrete structures
• Analyse the design options for civil concrete structure
Further, based on the above-given analysis of data, you are then required to prepare a report using Template 3 to the management that includes the following:
• Two (2) viable options for the design of civil concrete structure.
• Provide a recommendation on the preferred option and provide a reason for the selection of the preferred option.

Step 2: Complete the detailed design of the civil concrete structure using computer-aided drafting design (CADD) and drafting technology.

• Access computer-aided drafting design (CADD) technology such as AutoCAD to complete the design of civil concrete structure.
• Take into consideration the data analysed and recommendations provided in Step 1.
• Submit the finalised design to your supervisor.

Step 3: Prepare a cost estimate for executing the designed civil concrete structure using Template 4. Include the following information:
• Fixed costs: This includes the cost of purchasing equipment, material and plants.
• Time-related cost: This includes the cost of wages, equipment, and building rents spent on a particular activity in a given duration.
• Quantity proportional cost: It includes the cost of the quantity of material. It is of two types such as:
o Direct costs of construction of civil concrete structure: The costs and expenses accrued on a facility, capacity or item are known as direct costs. The expenses caused by workers, materials and equipment, etcetera, are the direct costs of construction projects.
o Indirect costs of construction of civil concrete structure: These are not directly accounted for on a particular facility, product or function. These are either variable or fixed.
• The construction cost of civil concrete structure.

Step 4: Participate in the review of the design of civil concrete structure with the required stakeholders.

Step 5: Carry out a risk assessment of the following:
• the existing conditions
• the application of the design
• maintainability of the completed works
Determine three (3) risks, calculate their risk rating and determine risk controls for each risk identified.

Step 6: Complete a design report for the design of the civil concrete structure based on the outcomes of Step 1 - Step 5 using Template 4.Include the following information:
• Cover page, including the following information:
o Project Name
o Design Report
o Report Status (Draft / Final)
o Local Authority Name (and Number)
o Project Number and Contract Number (if relevant)
o Date (Month / Year)
• Table of content
• Body of the report
o Outcomes of risk assessment, including:
» Risks identified.
» Risk likelihood, consequence and rating
» Risk controls
o Evaluation of design options for civil concrete structure
o Calculations for:
» loads
» shear forces
» bending moments
» stresses
» areas
» volumes
» mass
» sizes of components for civil concrete structures
o Design plans for civil concrete structure
o Civil concrete structure joint and fastening options
o Cost estimates
o Recommended sizing of components
o Recommended concrete strengths
o Recommended reinforcement sizing and location

Step 7: Communicate and coordinate with personnel involved in the design process according to workplace requirements and within the scope of their own role.
• Conduct regular meetings to measure the progress of each workgroup involved in the design process.
• Submit the meeting minutes to the trainer/assessor.

Step 8: Gain design approval from a higher authority.
• Submit the design approved to the trainer/assessor.

Provide a recommendation on the preferred option and provide a reason for the selection of the preferred option.
(200-300 words)

Activity 3: Finalise design processes for civil concrete structure

This activity requires you to finalise the design processes of civil concrete structure.
To complete this activity, you are required to:
• Complete the steps given in ‘Checklist 3' provided.
• Complete any template/s associated with each step, if any.
• Submit the required documentation as discussed in the steps to the trainer/assessor or supervisor.

Step 1: Confirm design records are filed according to workplace requirements.

• Submit the filed design records to the trainer/assessor.

Step 2: Complete and submit design cost and other reporting.

• Submit cost and other reporting to the trainer/assessor.

Step 3: Participate in a performance review of the design process according to workplace requirements.
• Determine the effectiveness of design processes implemented and document using Template 6.
• Recommend any changes required to the Supervisor and gather feedback and document using Template 6.

Step 4: Seek client feedback and contribute to verifying the design.
• Consult clients and seek feedback on design.
• Verify the design and make any recommended changes.
• Submit the revised design if any changes are made.

Step 5: Close out systems according to workplace requirements.

Activity 4: Support and review design implementation of civil concrete structure
This activity requires you to support and review the design implementation of civil concrete structure
To complete this activity, you are required to:
• Complete the steps given in the ‘Checklist 4' provided.
• Complete any template/s associated with each step, if any.
• Submit the required documentation as discussed in the steps to the trainer/assessor or supervisor.

Step 1: Provide clarification and advice to personnel implementing design as required to meet job requirements.

• Provide clarification and advice on the flowing to the personnel or authorities applying the design. Discuss and clarify the following with them:
o Design characteristics
o Key areas of consideration
o Outcomes of design reports

Step 2: Validate designs.
• Evaluate the design implementation and recommend changes as required to meet job requirements.
• Further, record the following based on design validation using Template 7.
o Assessment of design implementation
o Recommended changes

Reference no: EM133600403

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