What are the magnitudes of the synergies

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Reference no: EM133010917

TAC613 Mergers and Acquisitions

Case Study Guidelines

Your group works in the Corporate Finance division of Woolworths Ltd (ASX code: WOW). The head of your division believes that under the current circumstances, Woolworths can benefit from acquiring Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (ASX code: API). He is planning on suggesting this deal to the CEO and the Board of Directors of Woolworths. He has therefore asked your group to prepare a briefing book or "pitch book" making a case for the acquisition of Australian Pharmaceutical Industries by Woolworths.


Your group's task is to prepare a "pitch book" on the proposed takeover containing the following contents:

• The "pitch book" should be in the form of a series of PowerPoint slides.
• It should be divided into a "presentation" section and an "appendices" section.
• The slides in the presentation section will not include detailed analyses. They will include summary statements in bullet point format in which you develop your argument with graphic illustrations (tables may also be used as necessary).
• Detailed analyses should be presented in the appendices.
• It will be up to your group to appropriately distribute the relevant contents between the "presentation"
section and the "appendices" section for the maximum impact of your presentation. The exceptions to this are the few cases below where explicit guideline is provided that the content should be in either the "presentation" or the "appendices" section.
• Your "pitch book" may contain up to 30 slides (pages). 12-15 of these should be for the "presentation" section, with the balance belonging to the "appendices" section.

You will submit the pitch book to Turnitin via Moodle in PDF format:
• All pages (PowerPoint slides) should be printed in PDF format in "landscape" orientation.
• Each page (PowerPoint slide) must contain appropriate heading and must be numbered.

A. Deal Rationale

A series of slides will justify the deal concept and explain the logic of the deal. These slides will address the following points:
• Overview of the bidder and the target
• Bidder and target's segment analysis (appendices)
• Bidder and target company's industry analysis using the factors (five forces and others) discussed in the lectures
• Bidder and target company's company analysis: this will involve both qualitative and quantitative analysis
• Bidder company's strategy analysis and its merger strategy analysis
• Comparison of the target company with peers (appendices)
• Target's management and management quality
• Deal Rationale
o This slide will include qualitative discussion of the sources of synergies and value creation as well as why the deal makes sense in a long-term or "strategic" sense
o You need to bring together the analyses in the preceding points and other deal motivations to fully justify the choice of the target and the sources of synergy and value creation

B. Valuation

A series of slides will value the target company by itself (stand-alone valuation), and separately value the potential synergies from the acquisition:
• DCF Assumptions: you should state the assumptions in one slide in the "presentation" section and explain these assumptions in another slide in the "appendices"
o The assumptions will include your forecasts about revenue growth, profit margin etc.
• Stand-alone DCF analysis of the target (in appendices): follow the standard DCF method
• DCF sensitivity analysis and DCF scenario analysis
• Comparable valuation using comparable listed companies
• Overall standalone valuation and sensitivities/scenarios based on the three above valuation methods: these should be summarised in terms of valuation ranges in the "presentation" section with supporting tables in the "appendices" section
o Use a valuation football field in the "presentation" section
• Sources of synergies --- show calculations on the sources of synergy and value creation
o You should have a separate slide that addresses this issue and identifies each of the sources and explains the assumptions regarding the potential value creation from these sources in some detail

• Synergy valuation and sensitivities/scenarios
o You need to identify specific sources of synergies and forecast the expected synergy cash flows:
- What are the magnitudes of the synergies?

- How long will the synergies last?
- You should value the synergies using the DCF method and perform scenario analyses

C. Deal Structure and Other Analyses
The first four points in the following list should inform you recommendations on the subsequent points.
• Target share price history: Target company's annotated share price over the last 52 weeks
• Target's ownership structure: Target's ownership structure summary - this might have potential effect on bidding strategy
• Acquisition risks: identify potential risks such as:
o Asset/accounting quality, integration issues and
o Potential regulatory concerns: ACCC, industry specific regulation etc.
• Control premium: Recommended bid price and upper and lower bound
o You need to consider the factors that affect control premium as discussed in the lecture (e.g., target's recent price history) in determining the recommended control premium
o The recommendation for the control premium should be justified by the valuation of the target and the potential synergies
• Payment method: Cash, stock or mixed
o for stock and mixed, how many shares do you propose to issue and what is the cash equivalent of those shares? Synergy should be included in calculating the cost of the stock offer
o for cash, what is the stock equivalent of the offer and how many shares do you propose to issue? Synergy should be included in calculating the cost of the stock offer
• Bidding strategy: friendly or hostile? You need to provide reasons for the chosen strategy
• Method of acquisition: Takeover bid or Scheme of arrangement? Only consider the choice between off- market takeover bid and Scheme of Arrangement bid.
o Ignore on-market bid, since they are relatively rare
• Funding: How will the deal be financed in the short and long term? What will be the effect of the acquisition financing on the bidder's capital structure and gearing ratio?
• Term sheet: this should be the first page of your "pitch book" and it should summarise the deal (see the "Pitch Book" example by Robert Bruner)

D. Quality of Presentation
• The slides should be easy to follow (especially, the "appendices" section, which will contain a lot of information)
• Add notes to the appendices slides as appropriate so I can follow your work.
• The language should be grammatically correct, clear, concise and to-the-point
• Slides should not be overly cluttered, all pages should be numbered and same font should be used throughout, though the font size might vary
• You need to illustrate you points with graphs and tables when possible (especially in the "presentation" section)

Attachment:- Mergers and Acquisitions.rar

Reference no: EM133010917

Questions Cloud

Factors that distort performance appraisals : What are some major factors that distort performance appraisals?
Why do you think the citizenship of indigenous : Why do you think the citizenship of indigenous and black people was so controversial in this age of independence?
Why do some organizations promote : Why do some organizations promote from within, whereas others rely on outside hiring? What are the benefits and pitfalls of each approach?
Why do large-scale frauds that damage investors : Why do large-scale frauds that damage investors occur repeatedly?
What are the magnitudes of the synergies : What are the magnitudes of the synergies - making a case for the acquisition of Australian Pharmaceutical Industries by Woolworths
Maslow hierarchy of needs theory : "The level of performance of employees relies not only on their actual skills but also on the level of motivation each person exhibits "(Burney et al.,2007).
Operations and communications process : How can the human resources department include the front office in the operations and communications process?
Hr-responsibilities and practices of line managers : What are the HR-responsibilities and practices of line managers What competencies do line managers need to implement HRM functions
Setting up a career planning program : Career planning has always been a low-priority item for Fisher Cleaning Centers, as Jack likes to say just getting workers to come to work and then keeping them



10/12/2021 5:04:29 AM

And do read all the requirements first. U are not allowed to copy paste the graph and charts . U have to create yourself. And u have to meet the requirement of the assignment. I have pasted all related documents to my assignment. Please have a look at assignment 2 guidelines so u will know what is the assignment about. And please open screenshot I have marked some points part C four points so basically u have to assignments of based on those four points slides appendices and everything because rest of the points my group partners will do. Please once again I'll say ONLY PART C TOP 4 point is my part. please open assignment 2 guidelines 2021 to know detailly about the assignment.

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