What are the limitations and significance of the data what

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM13574458

Deliverable Length: 4-8 paragraphs in

Forum Topic: With all of the recent frauds and corporate scandals similar to Merck, AIG, Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and ImClone you have heard. Your supervisor has asked you to research news sites and read articles on the potential legal and ethical issues related to data analysis organizations have gone through in the recent past.After reading these sites, you have become interested on researching additional resources on the data analysis by using the Library, the Internet, and all other resources that are linked to this case and you want to research and prepare a report that summarizes the following questions relevant to data analysis on a specific organization of your choice.

How did the company you have researched use or misuse data to support their decisions?

What were the results?

What are the limitations and significance of the data?

What are ethical implications of data misuses in this case?

Use the Library or other Web resources to support your argument. Be sure to cite your sources using APA Style 6th edition guidelines.

Your work MUST include a reference list. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. Your report should contain a short introduction and conclusion in addition to the body of the paper. Please note that if you have a source in your reference section, you need to cite it in the body of the paper per APA guidelines and vice-versa.

Reference no: EM13574458

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