Reference no: EM133323122
Assignment: DRDA has asked us to research and report on the requirements for 49 states (excluding Texas) regarding doing business in that state and the relevant employment laws of that state. The questions that the client wants us to answer are as follows (however, do not feel limited to addressing only these topics - if your team discovers any requirement or provision in the law of any state that could affect DRDA's doing business in that state or the decision to commence operations in that state, be sure to include that in your report):
North Dakota
· Licensed and non-licensed employees requirements:
What are the licensing requirements for accounting firms in the state?
Does the firm itself need to be licensed or only the individual accountants?
What are the requirements (education, experience, etc.)?
Must an examination be taken and passed (when offered, online or in-person, what is the passing grade)?
What are the fees?
Is there reciprocity for accountants licensed in another state?
What are the continuing educational requirements?
·Registration Requirements:
What are the registration requirements for doing business in the state?
If DRDA has an employee living in the state and working remotely, does DRDA have to register as an employer with that state?
Does it have to register as a CPA firm doing business in the state?
What types of professional designations are recognized in the state (e.g. LLC, PLLC, PC etc.)?
What are the rules regarding payroll and employment tax?
Does the firm have to be registered as an employer?
Is there a state income tax?
What are the rules for withholding and paying state taxes?
·Employee Benefits
What are the rules regarding employee benefits?
Are there any required benefits that must be provided (e.g., Workers' Compensation, Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, sick pay (not otherwise governed by ACA), family leave (not otherwise required by FMLA), vacation leave (paid or unpaid)? Describe the requirements for each of these benefits.
Is there a minimum wage requirement higher than the federal minimum wage (you should check individual cities in the state)?
Are there other wage and salary laws that go beyond FLSA?
·Labor Relations
What are the rules regarding labor relations?
Is the state a right to work state?
DRDA has asked us to research and report on the requirements for 49 states (excluding Texas) regarding doing business in that state and the relevant employment laws of that state. The questions that the client wants us to answer are as follows (however, do not feel limited to addressing only these topics - if your team discovers any requirement or provision in the law of any state that could affect DRDA's doing business in that state or the decision to commence operations in that state, be sure to include that in your report):