What are the legal requirements for practice parameters

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Reference no: EM132847148

HLTENN007 Administer and monitor medicines and intravenous therapy

1. Nursing practice in Australia is governed by Codes of professional conduct, code of ethics, standards for practice and professional boundaries instituted by Nurses and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA).

When administering prescribed medications to a client you refer to medication administration guidelines, policies, procedure and other legislative requirements relevant to medication administration. For the listed Codes of Conduct, Codes of Ethics and Standards for Practice, explain briefly how you would comply.

Code of Conduct How would you comply with these codes and standards?
CoC: 1: Nurses practise in a safe and competent manner.
COE 6: Nurses value a culture of safety in nursing and health care.
Standard 9: Practises within safety and quality improvement guidelines and standards

COC 2: Nurses practise in accordance with the standards of the profession and broader health system
COE 1: Nurses value quality nursing care for all people.

COC 3: Nurses practise and conduct themselves in accordance with laws relevant to the profession and practice of nursing
Standard 1: Functions in accordance with the law, policies and procedures affecting EN practice

COC 4: Nurses respect the dignity, culture, ethnicity, values and beliefs of people receiving care and treatment, and of their colleagues.
COE 2: Nurses value respect and kindness for self and others.
COE 3: Nurses value the diversity of people.
Standard 2: Practises nursing in a way that ensures the rights, confidentiality, dignity and respect of people are upheld.

COC 5: Nurses treat personal information obtained in a professional capacity as private and confidential.
COE 7: Nurses value ethical management of information.
Standard 2: Practises nursing in a way that ensures the rights, confidentiality, dignity and respect of people are upheld.

COC 6: Nurses provide impartial, honest and accurate information in relation to nursing care and health care products.
COC 7: Nurses support the health, wellbeing and informed decision-making of people requiring or receiving care.
COE 5: Nurses value informed decision-making.
Standard 6: Provides skilled and timely care to people whilst promoting their independence and involvement in care decision-making

COC 8: Nurses promote and preserve the trust and privilege inherent in the relationship between nurses and people receiving care.
COC 9: Nurses maintain and build on the community's trust and confidence in the nursing profession.

COC 10: Nurses practise nursing reflectively and ethically
Standard 8: Provides nursing care that is informed by research evidence

Standard 3: Accepts accountability and responsibility for own actions

2. What are the legal requirements for practice parameters of the Enrolled Nurse in relation to Medication administration tasks given below? Also mention which legislation or regulation advises about the requirements in relation to these tasks.
Dangerous drug act: Definition of DDA
Storage of Dangerous Drugs of Addiction (DDA)
Documentation of Dangerous Drugs of Addiction (DDA)
Administration of Intra-Venous (IV) Medications
Administration of Intra- Muscular (IM) injections
Administration of Sub-Cutaneous (S/C)injection

3. Describe the legislative controls for medicines and poisons with regard to Drugs and poisons regulation in your State or Territory (50-60 words).

4. Discuss briefly about State/Territory drugs and poisons act and list two (2) objectives of the act.
State/territory drugs and poisons act (30-40 words):
Objects of the act:

5. Complete the following table describing the nursing responsibilities to ensure safe administration of medications in relation to the eight (8) rights of medication administration (in 30-50 words each).
Rights of medication administration Nursing responsibilities
Right medication
Right dose
Right documentation
Right time
Right route
Right person
Right Expiration Date
Right to refuse

6. Define the following terms related to the pharmacology of medications (10-40 words each) and describe those terms in relation to Paracetamol (30-50 words each).
Definition Paracetamol
Adverse reactions

Anaphylactic reactions
Side Effects

7. Refer to the classification of drugs and poisons and interpret the following schedules of drugs (in 10-20 words each) and provide two (2) examples for each schedule.
Schedule Interpretation(category of drug/poison) Two examples

8. Medications are available in different forms. Enrolled Nurses should be aware of handling, storage and administration techniques for different forms of medications.

Please complete the file "from the Handouts for the unit and upload in the "Attach Files" section of the question.

9. What factors would you consider while calculating the dosage of medication for a geriatric client?

10. Mention the action of the common drugs used for fluid and electrolyte imbalances with 2 examples for each.
Drugs Action ( specific action ) Examples
Acidifiers/ Alkalisers
Replacement solutions

11. Please complete the file "from the Handouts for the unit and upload in the "Attach Files" section of the question. (10-20 words each).

12. During handover, you find that one of your clients is having high doses of IV Antibiotics administered as an infusion in 50ml Normal Saline over 30 minutes. Client is complaining of severe pain at the IV site, nausea, dizziness and increased fatigue. Drug administration guidelines state the medication should be given in 250ml Normal Saline over two hours.
After identifying this drug error, explain your actions.
What recording and reporting should be done with medication errors?

13. Dose Administration Aids (DAA) are primarily designed and intended for the person's own use to facilitate accurate self-administration of their medicines. Answer the following questions based on the guidelines given by Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation for the use of DAA by Nurses.
Can clients use a DAA by themselves?
Who can assess the suitability of a DAA for a client?
If a client self-administers where should the medication administration be documented
If a client is assessed as unable to self-administer medication who can administer for them?
In receiving DAAs from the pharmacy what checks should be made to packaging and by whom?
What do you do with a DA if the clients medication regimen is changed
If a DDA contains S8 drugs how must it be stored
Can a Nurse administer from a DDA if medications cannot be individually identified?

14. Mr. Toms, 56 year old client has a blood transfusion in progress. List eight possible risks and complications associated with blood transfusion.

15. A client receiving packed Red Blood Cells (RBC) has developed flushing, itching and bronchial wheezing. Answer the following questions (5-10 words each).
What is your interpretation regarding the manifested signs?
What would you do in this situation as an Enrolled Nurse?

16. To safely administer blood product to clients, Nurses should be vigilant through all the steps of transfusion: storage, transportation, handling, checking and disposing of blood bag and related waste. In the table given below, you will find each of these steps or variables and some choices given for each of the variable. Read the choices and complete the table as required. (30-50 words each)
CRITICAL STEPS What is the correct technique/ way /procedure?

17. A 29 year old man is brought into the Emergency Department following a motorcycle accident in which he was thrown six metres. Vital signs on admission are blood pressure 80/60, pulse rate 150, respiratory rate 24 and noisy. He is unconscious, has a bruise over his forehead, there is fresh blood flowing from a laceration in his right groin. Bleeding was controlled and IV therapy has been initiated. Dopamine infusion is also started at 5 ml/hour via an infusion pump. Answer the following questions (10-20 words each).
What are the purposes of initiating IV therapy in this clinical scenario?
How does the dopamine infusion help the patient?

18. A client is currently on IV therapy with 1L of CSL. After reviewing recent blood results of the client, doctor has prescribed transfusion of two units of Packed Red Cells (PRC). While commencing transfusion, what precautions should the Nurse take in regards to drug and blood product incompatibilities?

19. One of your clients in post-operative unit complains of severe pain on his surgical site.

List a Non-opiod and an Opiod medication that could be given to manage pain.
Drug When to withhold?

20. List the signs and symptoms for the IV phlebitis score chart from 0 to 5 and specify appropriate nursing actions. (in 10-20 words each).
Score Signs/ Symptoms Nursing actions

21. Answer the following questions
The instructions supplied for a particular IV antibiotic advise reconstitution with 10ml Normal Saline. However, the drug room has run out of vials of Normal Saline, can sterile water was used instead?
You have been asked to administer an IV medication using a Burette. Outline the 8 steps of medication administration.

22. Body surface area (BSA) is used to calculate medication or fluid replacement for a patient. The BSA can be estimated by using a body surface nomogram or by using the Mosteller formula, the formula Is the most accurate method of calculating body surface area.
Explain in 30 words why it is important to titrate medicines for children.
Demonstrate your ability to use the BSA formula for the following scenario.
BSA(m2) =asheight (cm) x weight (kg) / 3600

Nicholas is a 13-year-old boy who weighs 56 kg and is 164 cm high. Work out his BSA using the formula above.

23. With ageing changes occur in the areas of Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion of Medications. In elderly patientsa, the BSA may be used to prescribe medication. Explain in 50-100 words, addressing why it is necessary to consider these factors.

24. Mention 4 (four) criteria outlined in the National safety and quality health standard (NSQHS) 'preventing and controlling health care associated infections'

25. Research on complimentary therapies and list 2 (two) therapies that could be used to alleviate client's pain.

Attachment:- Administer and monitor medicines and intravenous therapy.rar

Reference no: EM132847148

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4/2/2021 3:11:18 AM

This is my assignment.. i have questions only not like other assignments.. there are different questions with different requirements of words

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