What are the legal and business factors

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM13686453

Question 1: What are the challenges in managing the supply chain contracts in the oil and gas industry? This research question will explore the issues, problems, and barriers in functions of supply chain contracts. The difficulties in the management and operations of implementing the contracts will be investigated.

Question 2: What are the legal and business factors that account for the effective management of supply chain within contracts? This question will investigate the key performance indicators in relation to legal and business context to see how contracts can be implemented effectively. The research question will aim to suggest the different methods to effectively manage the contracts.

Reference no: EM13686453

Questions Cloud

State the form that will predominate in solution : For the subsequent compound, illustrate in its acidic form, state the form that will predominate in solution at pH = 5.5 and at pH = 3.5: CH3COOH (pKa =4.76)
Explain what is the age of the ancient piece of the wood : Explain what is the age of the ancient piece of the wood. The half life of carbon 14 is 5730 years. And presume the amount of carbon 14 in the atmosphere has stayed constant since the ancient piece of wood was formed.
Mass determination from freezing point depression : A Greener approach for Measuring Colligative Properties - Molar Mass Determination from Freezing Point Depression
Conduct a gap analysis for anthonys orchard : Conduct a gap analysis for Anthony's Orchard. This should include a statement of where the organisation wishes to be by 2015 - Devise a benchmarking review for Anthony's Orchard
What are the legal and business factors : The difficulties in the management and operations of implementing the contracts will be investigated and research question will aim to suggest the different methods to effectively manage the contracts.
Obtain what is the work function of this material : Upon being struck by 240 nanometers photons, a material ejects electrons with a maximum kinetic energy of 1.44 eV. Obtain what is the work function of this material
Find the maximum speed of the emitted photoelectrons : A phototube has a stopping potential of 2.62 Volt when the cathode is illuminated with dichromatic light of 400 nanometers and 600 nanometers wavelengths. Find the maximum speed of the emitted photoelectrons
Find the photoelectric cutoff wavelength for this material : The work function of a particular substance is 4.53 × 10-19 Joule. Find the photoelectric cutoff wavelength for this material
Obtain how long does the particle accelerator : A particle in a 842 meter long particle accelerator is moving at 0.875 c. Obtain how long does the particle accelerator appear to the particle


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