Reference no: EM131378432
1. Your PM experience:
a. I have prior experience in project management. Yes/No No
b. I have used PM software. Yes/No No
2. The Triple Constraint in PM refers to meeting simultaneously the requirements of time, cost and Scope.
3. After installing MS-Project (MSP) 2010 or 2013 (preferred because newer) (trial version found at, full version available via the UMUC-Microsoft Alliance "Dreamspark"), download and open the file, "LRE1_MPP_MS_Project_Renovation_Example.mpp", attached below and also at mpp file, to answer the following questions: (Example chart uploaded)
a. When is this project expected to end? 6/4/10
b. What and when is the second milestone? Receive Final Plan 4/28/10
c. What are the last two tasks on the project critical path? Furniture Delivery and Unpack
4. Using the following table of tasks,
a. Build using MSP an mpp file including a work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart showing the project critical path.
b. What does the critical path become if Task C takes three time units?
Time units required
B and C
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