What are the key processes in supply chain management

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131267013

Identify the eight key processes of excellent supply chain management and discuss how each of these processes impacts the end customer.

The key processes that leading supply chain companies focus on are (1) customer relationship management, (2) customer service management, (3) order fulfillment, (4) manufacturing flow management, (5) supplier relationship management, (6) product development and commercialization, (7) returns management, and (8) demand management. When firms practice excellent supply chain management, each of these processes is integrated from end to end in the supply chain. These processes are made up of bundles of interconnected activities that supply chain partners are constantly focused on when delivering value to the customer.

1. What are the key processes in supply chain management, and who performs them? How does each process lead to increased satisfaction on the part of the customer?

Reference no: EM131267013

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